Monday, December 21, 2015

today's appointment didn't go quite as smoothly as we would have hoped.  when we've come out for appointments in the past, we have always brought a hard copy of the mri with us. in our very own hands. this time, when i called to request a copy, sanford said they had already sent it to duke. so I just left it at that. unfortunately, when we got to cody's appointment this morning, they had not yet received any of the images.

I know you're all thinking "a wasted trip" because initially that's what we thought too. but in reality it really wasn't and let me tell you why. duke physicians will not read any scans unless you are physically present in their clinic. if you want their opinion, you have to go see them. so today we saw them. they did their neuro exam and chatted with cody about new symptoms and what we've heard from mayo and our local oncologist.  the only part missing from today was their opinion. by being there today, we did "earn an mri reading."  we have to go home and fedex the scan to them and she will read it on wednesday and call us herself.

so any way you look at it, we had to make the trip. the only downfall is that we didn't get any results today and will have to wait until wednesday. and trust me, i know how hard the waiting is.

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