Monday, December 14, 2015

i'll cut straight to the chase. mri results today showed changes when compared to the last scan in october. although they are unclear of exactly what it could be, they of course are concerned with progression of tumor, which we know is likely the cause. our oncologist is sending the scans back to mayo and duke to see if they have any further insight as to what we are looking at.

possible options (based on oncologist in sioux falls):
-talk to surgeon and see if surgery is a reasonable option or can be done safely
-if not, what else can be done?
-possible clinical trial
-not jump to any conclusions, continue with chemo, and do another scan in 2 months

i know you have questions. i wish i had more information. the nurse will work on sending scans and making appointments tomorrow and we will wait to hear from her. i'm hoping questions we have can be answered as we move forward these next couple of weeks.

we feared this would be the case. i think we're past the days of going in and waiting for our good news. now, we just wait to hear what the changes are and where we go from here.


  1. Anonymous12/14/2015

    Did they think that is what is causing the headaches or is it the chemo or what, just wondering

  2. Yes, the headaches are concerning. The chemo should not be causing them. Things they watch for with new tumor growth are, nausea, vomiting, and headaches.

  3. Anonymous12/14/2015

    Tell him we will never give up hope and the prayers will keep going many times a day for all of you. Hope the headaches at least let up for him.

  4. My prayers are with you! Get well soon.

  5. I'm here praying and taking one step at a time with you and your family.

  6. Continued prayers for you all.
