Monday, August 17, 2015

When I say we live hour by hour, that's seriously no joke. 

This morning we got a huge blow that knocked the wind right out of our sails. Another panel reviewed Codys case and due to the fluid collection that still remains on the side of his head they are considering him "not completely healed from surgery." He's already been kicked out of the trial. 

i can't even begin to explain the emotions we've had the last couple of hours. There are simply no words. But the tears just continue to stream down my face. 

Our plan now is to come back home and start chemo. Duke said to come back out here in 2 months, do another MRI and see if there's something they can offer at that time. 

Thank you to those who have made this trip possible.  Specifically, my aunt and uncle who donated airline miles to get us our flights, my parents and sister who have taken care of our children, and Jamie and Joey for taking us in when our plans first changed. 

Thank you all for your encouraging words, thoughts, and prayers. Although now the plan will look differently, we will continue the fight. 

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