Thursday, August 6, 2015

go blue devils?

it's official. we're headed to north Carolina!

we heard this week that cody had been penciled in for an appointment, but they were still waiting on pre-authorization from our insurance. this morning we got the call saying everything was set and in place. his appointment is scheduled for next thursday the 13th.

we are very excited to finally have something on the calendar. cody tries to remain hopeful, but he said this would have been a pretty big blow if we couldn't have gotten in.

but we are in. so now we are working on getting some flights booked and getting ourselves organized this next week. for high grade tumors, duke requires an mri within two weeks of appointments, and cody was able to get that done today.  duke is requesting that we bring the mri images with us on a cd to the appointment, so we were sent home with that. now tell me you wouldn't insert that disc, put on your white office coat, call yourself dr. finke, and try to read those images. i have seen enough brain scans that i can tell the (very) basics, what looks somewhat normal vs. abnormal. but i clearly am not a radiologist and walked away with more questions than i was comfortable with. so we are definitely hoping to get a call from the doctor either friday or monday to hear the report before we get out to duke.

so let me have a lot of questions? SO DO WE!! we do know we can't wait to get out there and hear what they have to say, but we have a LOT of unanswered questions yet.

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