Thursday, February 19, 2015

adios pampers

Big news in our house that I haven't shared.  We have traded in these:
for these:
exciting right?
During Christmas break, I was hoping to get the little man potty trained. But just like every plan I make, something comes in the way. With Kenley getting her tonsils out, besides the hustle and bustle of the holidays, there was no way I was ready to clean up accidents. But it wasn't long after break that our daycare provider was ready ;)  She put him in underwear and we never looked back. I think it took roughly four days to get the job done.
And we are no longer spending money on diapers!!! That's an amazing feeling.
He is not yet trained during the night (although there are many nights where he wakes up crying he has to go potty, and his diaper is still dry!)
As thrilled as I am that diaper money can be put elsewhere, it's just one more reminder that my baby isn't a baby anymore.
And that's rough. 

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