Tuesday, January 20, 2015

a little risky

Last night Cody had a crazy idea. He suggested we all, as in all 5 of us, go out for supper at Pizza Ranch and then attempt to get groceries. GASP!! What?!? What the heck was he saying?? Did he seriously just say those words out loud???  It gave me anxiety just thinking about it, but (reluctantly)agreed. Our family doesn't typically risk taking the kids into public.  The twins used to go everywhere with us when they were little. But as they've gotten older and we've added Paxton into the mix, we usually try everything in our power to do things without having to take the kids. It's a catch 22 really. They don't have a lot of experience because we don't take them anywhere. But the reason we don't take them anywhere is because they can't seem to keep their behavior in control. You might think I'm joking, but this is typically what an outing with all the kids looks like:

Do you get why I cringe any time I think about taking the kids with me when I need to get something done? But last night, for some reason I was willing to risk it.

And I'm glad I did. Because we had a great night. The kids did great!! We enjoyed our dinner and our grocery trip looked less like the above and more like this:

Ok, so maybe it wasn't quite this beautiful, but I would definitely call our evening a success.

Go us!  =)

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