Tuesday, November 18, 2014

sleep study results

The results are in...

Kenley has mild-moderate obstructive sleep apnea.  We are thankful that she is not having complete blockage where she stops breathing, but she has enough blockage that is causing a significant amount of brain arousal. This seems to be happening all night long, so we know she is not getting a good quality of sleep.  Common treatment for children is a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

So, plan of action, back to ENT to get surgery scheduled (insert exaggerated sigh).

We know for sure this will help her quality of sleep. We can only hope (and pray) it helps with some of the behaviors.

{{I know, this sweet face can be deceiving}}

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11/18/2014

    This procedure helped Alyse so much, sleep is so much better, she's not snoring like a bear, behaviors yes and no... but the sleep quality is an amazing change so thankful we did this! Hope you see the same results! -Dareth
