Tuesday, November 4, 2014

last week

Last week was busy with the excitement of Halloween. The kids didn't quite understand why they couldn't wear their costumes 24/7.  We spent Thursday in Sioux Falls for dr. appointments for Paxton. I put him down for a nap at grandma and grandpa's and he didn't wake until close to 4:30! So we got back home much later than I had wanted, as I knew we had a busy night ahead of us.

We started the night with pizza and the carving of pumpkins.  They weren't sure what to think when daddy took the top off. Kaden was intrigued. Kenley looked like she was going to throw up. And Paxton wanted NOTHING to do with any of it.  It took her a little time, but we did coax Ken into digging out the guts.

After that, we had a project to do for preschool the following day. The kids were able to bring a treat to pass out to their friends. So we quickly "mummified" some juice boxes and called it good.

And the last thing was to fix some costumes so they fit just right and pack them in their school bags. Then it was off to baths and bed time for the little munchkins.

Friday the twins got to have a party at school.

After daycare, we ran home to finish packing and grab daddy, then we were off to Brandon.  It was a mad rush to get the kids fed and bundled in their costumes.

After everyone was ready, Kenley decided that she no longer wanted to be a scarecrow. Thank goodness it was short lived and she didn't lose her cool....because that would have blown our whole night. We started out around the block. About half way around Paxton started coughing and coughing and struggling to breath.  Nene and grandpa took him back for a nebulizer treatment and the rest of us continued on to the next block.  I was so proud of these kids.  They knew just what to do and used their best manners in the process.  What a fun night!

Until next week...

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