Wednesday, October 8, 2014

the reason why

Gosh darn it.  Now I remember very clearly, another reason why it was so easy to give up the blog--  I'm so dang tired all the time! My day starts at 5:15 in the morning when my alarm goes off and I drag my body out of bed to start another day. Many days we are completely exhausted before we even leave the house at 7am, thanks to 3 littles who would also rather stay sleeping than get up and join the world. Also, if you know our daughter, it takes every ounce of our beings to make sure things run "smoothly" in her little world or the world turns upside down in a BIG hurry. After work and grabbing the kids from daycare, we are usually home between 4 and 4:15. Then the work of the evening sets in.  You know, the time, making dinner, eating, cleaning up, baths/showers, playing/tv/books, bed time. Our kids take after their parents and need a lot of sleep. So we are usually starting baths already by 6:00 and working towards a bedtime between 7 and 7:30. One would think that at 8:00 there is plenty of evening left in the day, but that's about the time I crash. And it doesn't matter how much ambition I have earlier in the day or how much I know that I need to get done, it just doesn't happen! 

By the way, I have a whole DC trip I want to share with you, so hopefully that will be coming soon :)

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