Monday, June 17, 2013


Is anyone out there????
Anyone still with me????

Or have you all given up on me :(

Since it's been a while, I will touch on a few things that we've been up to:
*Ear tubes! In April, at 11 months, Paxton had PE tubes placed. From December to March, Paxton had 5 ear infections. You wouldn't know it if you were to see him during the day, but his nights were painful (for all involved)!  A 15 minute procedure, 15 minutes in the recovery room, 40 minutes of inconsolable crying, and 12 oz. of formula .... and he was back to himself. Other than developing a high fever for a couple of days afterwards, everything went great and we haven't had an ear infection since!

*6 month Oncology visit.  I'm always amazed at how fast 6 months goes by. On May 3rd, Cody received another clean bill of health. I knew it didn't matter, but I had to ask the dr. what he thought. When Cody was initially diagnosed, he was given a survival rate of 3-5 years. This July, it will be 8 years! Why? Why hasn't his cancer come back? The dr. really doesn't know. He said, unfortunately the vast majority of those with brain cancer, do not have the outcome that Cody has had. Looking at where we go from here, there isn't much out there in terms of "guidelines" and we have to do what we feel comfortable with. The research just isn't there. We decided to switch to yearly checkups. It was a difficult decision for both of us. But Cody felt it needed to happen at some point, and he was comfortable with now. His dr. threw out the idea of "divorcing" at the 10 year mark.....but we weren't so sure about that. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it :)
*Pacman got his first hair cut! The week before turning the big "1" we thought he needed cleaned up a bit. That's basically all they did....cut a tiny little bit around the neck and around his ears. I wasn't impressed. And when they charged me $15.00 for it, I really wasn't impressed. He was such good boy though :)
*May 14. My baby turned "ONE"!!!  Wow, what an emotional day that was. I can't believe how fast the past year flew by. He has been one amazing addition to our family.
{i'll post again with pictures of his party}
*May 23. I was done with school for the summer. An AMAZING feeling :)  We've started it off well:

*May 25. Paxton's 12 month well-baby check. And let me tell you...he is, one well baby :)
Weight:  26lbs. 12oz. (99th percentile)
Height:  30.75 inches (75th percentile)
Eating: Paxton's transition off of formula and onto whole milk went smoothly. And the kid eats any table food you put in front of him. We haven't found anything he doesn't like :) He drinks from a sippy cup, but still would much rather have his bottle.
Development: Paxton was right on track in all areas developmentally, and exceeding in fine motor! He has not yet started to walk (but oh, we are getting soo close now!) but cruises all over the place along the furniture. He loves to talk. His favorite word is "NO" and he uses it all.the.time! Other words include: "mama, tickle, cheese, and dada". We've really been working on signing "more and all-done" but he usually just laughs at me.
Behavior: Paxton continues to be a good baby, but he definitely does not like to be told no or redirected or have things taken away from him. He has learned to squeal with the best of them! He has developed a temper and will throw himself to the floor and just sob.
Sleep: This is an area we were struggling with A LOT!! Paxton was waking up in the night anywhere from 1-5 times a night. And the ONLY thing that would get him back to sleep was a bottle. We had cut down to just giving him 2oz when he would wake up, but that seemed to be all he needed. Honestly, we tried it all, but sucking on a bottle was what he needed. (**I am happy to report, that Paxton is now sleeping through the night! One night, it just clicked and he hasn't had a sleepless night again. Yay!!!)
Our summer is flying by already! I can't believe we're half way through June. Hopefully I'll write more often :)
{thanks for sticking with me}


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