Monday, July 9, 2012

back tracking

I feel like I have a million things and updates running through my mind all the time that I want to put into this blog, but it just doesn't seem like I ever time to get it done!

I hope you don't mind the bulleted list of our updates, but that seems to be the easiest way to get it all out.

*at 6 weeks, Paxton really started smiling intentionally and purposefully. He is starting to pay more attention to faces and smiles back at you often, it's soo precious!

*at 7 weeks, not only is he smiling a ton, he is starting to talk a ton too. He loves someone in his face and he just smiles and chats, making my heart melt.

*I had my 6 week post-partum visit last week. Paxton came with me, but he was a little on the fussy side. He was in his seat and the dr. had to rock him with her foot the entire time. The poor guy just wanted to sleep but wasn't ready to give it up. After the twins I had Diastasis Recti, which is basically separated stomach muscles. This often happens to women who are: carrying multiples, have multiple pregnancies, or are carrying large babies. All three were a positive for me. The dr. checked me again at this appointment and was surprised that my stomach muscles were actually doing a nice job of healing. There is still some separation, but it is only mild. She made the comment that there are many, after having twins, whose stomach muscles never do grow back together, so I was glad to hear mine are!

*I've still been rather emotional. I seem to cry about every little thing and my anxiety usually gets the best of me when my head finally hits the pillow at night. My dr. could sense that my personality was a little off when comparing me to previous visits and when I started crying in the office, she thought maybe we should address it. She put me on a low dose of some "happy pills" and hopefully this will only be a short term thing until my hormones settle down a bit. I think I'm more emotional than I expected to be and things are harder than I expected them. I am not the mom nor the wife I want to be and it's breaking my heart. My dr. said sometimes we don't realize how bad we feel until we feel really good. And she wants me to feel really good. So here's to being HAPPY!!

*Paxton seems to be doing better with the Zantac. Sometimes feedings can still be difficult, but he seems a lot less uncomfortable than he had been. He still has some issues with settling himself and putting himself to sleep, but it's getting better.

*This little guy has been having some awesome nights. He's basically sleeping through the night, sleeping around 9-10 hours at a stretch. I know this could change at any moment, but for now, I'm all about it!

*Paxton is eating around 5oz. and during the day he eats every 2-4 hours.

*I'm still pumping and Paxton continues to only get breast milk, but I'm getting tired of it. Like, really tired of it!  The time in between pumpings seems to get longer and longer and I'm noticing my supply is decreasing. I don't want to give it up yet, but it's just soo darn time consuming!

*We have been very busy this summer! It seems like we are always on the road and are never home. The kids and I have spent a lot of time in Brandon just hanging out. It's usually a last moment decision, sometimes not even having extra clothing and needing a quick trip to target to get extra diapers... but it's been fun :)

*We went camping over the 4th of July. It was HOT HOT HOT!!! I'll try to post pictures.

*In less than two weeks the twins are going to be 2!! I cannot even believe it. It just doesn't seem possible :(

*I say this every year, but the month of July has a lot of meaning and brings out a lot of emotions.
Memorable days in July:
     July 4th: one of our most favorite holidays, spent with amazing friends and family!
     July 7th: 7 years ago, Cody was diagnosed with a brain tumor
     July 8th: we celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary :)
     July 22nd:  7 years ago marks Cody's brain surgery
                        2 years ago will mark the twins coming into this world
     July 25th: Cody diagnosed with brain cancer, given a prognosis of 3-5 years
     July 30th: Cody will celebrate his 31st birthday!

We have been so incredibly blessed over the years!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7/15/2012

    Love the post, but after reading this Holli you are not the only emotional one, I am sitting here tears streaming down my checks thinking about how much we are all blessed, but especially your family. It is surely a wonderful feeling to know the Drs can be wrong and only God knows how much time we have. I thank Him everyday for Codys health, and for the babies and their wonderful Mom. Just wished life was not so busy so we could see you all more often.
    On a lighter note, can I bring anything for the party? If so let me know. Been going to call, but seems like if I have time I think you are busy with the kids and hate to bother you. Love and Prayers to all. Hugs and Kisses to the 3 little ones.
