Saturday, June 23, 2012

staying busy

*At 3 weeks, Paxton finally had his first bath. It was time for a bottle, so he pretty much screamed through the entire thing!

*At 4 weeks old, Paxton is our newest little camper. It's certainly not easy to camp with an infant, but we made it work the best we could. The kids had an awesome time. They ran themselves to exhaustion...our nights were awesome because of it too! Everyone slept amazingly :)

*This last week I had my follow-up appointment with the Urologist regarding my kidney stones. I went in for a CT scan and met with the dr. the same day. When I was last admitted to the hospital, the ultrasound showed a stone measuring at 9mm in my right kidney. The CT scan that I had done on Tuesday was showing the stone only measuring 3mm. This is exactly why they like to do a CT scan, because it is much more accurate and they can get a clearer image. So this was great news for me, no surgery! The stone is not anywhere where it should be causing problems, it might stay there for years or I might pass it on my own at some point...but for now we are just going to leave it alone. 

*Paxton has been having some issues regarding feeding lately and has just seemed soo uncomfortable. I brought him into the doctor on Thursday and he's showing all the classic symptoms of acid reflux. The dr. put him on zantac, so we'll see how it goes. It's hard to see your baby seem so in pain :(   At 5 weeks he weighs in at 12lbs. 15oz.

*Our summer is going by way too fast!  We have every weekend booked up until I start back to school in August. It's making me very emotional (oh yeah, did I mention that I'm still pretty emotional regarding every.single.little.thing!)

*Having 3 kids, ages 2 and under, is definitely not a walk in the park. I wish I could blog more often, but my hands are pretty full, literally!  I can't believe I have 3 kids! There was a day my heart was aching wondering if we would ever even be able to have any kids, now we have been blessed with three of the most beautiful children in the whole world. But I am definitely still adjusting! I often feel like I shouldn't be struggling so badly with only 3 kids. I mean, come on, everyone has 3 kids right? But I keep having to remind myself that they are all under the age of 2 and that's not an easy task! I guess that helps justify it for me, when I keep wondering why I feel like I'm running a circus around here! But I do feel like we're starting to get into a groove. Not every day is easy, but there seem to be more parts of the day that are getting easier. I wake up in the morning with a list of things I hope to get accomplished that day. But more often than not I don't accomplish a lot more than caring for the basic needs of my kids. Once again, I need to remind myself that it's a big accomplishment to simply keep my kids fed, diapers changed, bathed, safe, and rested! :) Above all (even if there are 4 loads of unfolded laundry and dirty dishes in the sink) I pray that at the end of the day our kids feel loved and secure.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

total random-ness

Wow, I'm tired!

A friend of mine, well actually a friend of a friend, once described her life raising twins with...everything looking great and put-together on the outside, but on the inside it was pure hell! Now there have definitely been some days where I can't even make the outside look anything but pure hell :(  I know things will get better, it's just taking me some time to adjust.

Finally, at 3 weeks, his belly-button-stump fell off. I'm looking forward to giving him real baths now. There is nothing better than a freshly bathed babe!

*Paxton is exclusively getting breastmilk. With the twins I was never able to make enough so we always had to supplement several bottles a day with formula. But this time, my freezer is already starting to fill up, this is awesome!

*At 3 weeks now, we just bumped Paxton up to 4oz. of breastmilk. He just didn't seem to be happy after 3oz. and he was wanting to eat so often. He typically goes between 3 and 4 hours, however at night he is sleeping up to 7 hours at a stretch!!

*We've already had to bump him up to size 1 diapers. Newborn diapers never really did fit him that well, but it did work better around his belly button. So we finished off the newborn diapers that we had and at 2 weeks he was into size 1. Wow, my big Kenley girl didn't hit size 1 diapers until 5 weeks and I thought that was soon!

our little pac-man

*I have been soo emotional thinking about the fact that this will be our last baby. I can't believe how unbelievably sad that makes me (along with everything else under the sun that makes me cry)! I want to take in every moment of this little guy, knowing he will grow up way too fast and I'll never get these seconds back. oh dear, here we go again, bring on the tissues :(

*Because Paxton is only getting up once during the night, both Cody and I get up with him. I pump while Cody feeds. This is working out great!

*My "perfect" newborn is starting to develop some not-so-perfect "issues." The biggest difference I've noticed so far between him and the twins is his sleeping patterns. The twins would just lay on the floor and play until they fell asleep. They have always been awesome sleepers. This little guy, not so much! He typically doesn't put himself to sleep. He likes to be held to be put to sleep. And once he does go to sleep in your arms, he usually wakes up the second you put him down (unless you've gotten him into a nice deep sleep, which often takes a long time). Now I don't seem to be getting much done when all I'm doing is holding a sleeping baby. And at night....he's awful! He goes down really well at bedtime, but after his feeding he does not want to be put back into his crib! It takes a lot of work to get him back to sleep. Now here is where I'm thankful we're only messing with it once a night! 

*Since working on our house/yard, we had to unhook our air conditioner and pull it away from the house. Well, we Cody hasn't gotten it hooked back up yet! Now, I know some of you like the heat, but I am not one of you. I am an air conditioner kind of girl and chasing after 3 kids is making me one hot, crabby, mama!

This is one of their favorite things to do!

I made my own home-made laundry detergent the other day. From what I've read, this is going to hopefully save us some money on detergent since we seem to be going through tons of it lately.
While mixing everything, the smell throughout my house was totally worth it!! I haven't tried it yet, but I'll let you know what I think :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

just a little excited!

My sister is moving back home this weekend and I'm beyond excited!!

Everybody left early this morning to head to Des Moines to finish packing them and load everything up.

I, and the three kids, stayed back in Brandon. Because who wants to travel and move with three kids?

But I honestly can't even tell you how excited we are to have them so close.

Let the summer fun begin :)