Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tubes are in

Kaden's surgery was successful this morning. He wasn't able to have anything to eat past 1:30 this morning so I was a little worried about how "breakfast time" was going to go without being able to give him any food or a bottle. He was able to have clear liquids up until 5am so I took that opportunity to give him a few ounces. I picked him up out of his crib, fed him some juice, and put him back to bed and he never once even opened his eyes. We checked into the Surgical Center at 6:45 with a very happy baby. After visiting with admissions, nurses, the dr. and anesthesiologist, Kaden was really noticing he hadn't had breakfast and I think he was starting to get hungry. He started getting a little cranky, but I was able to get him to fall asleep on my lap. When they came to take him, I just passed my sleeping boy off to the nurse. The transition was so much easier on us than having him fight it and be terrified of whoever was taking him from us. I was very thankful for that. The time it took from when they took him until the time the Dr. came back to talk to us was only about 15 minutes. He said everything had gone well and they were working on waking him up. It wasn't long after that that we heard the screaming coming from down the hall. Kaden screamed for about 45 minutes before finally giving it up and falling asleep. He was so uncomfortable...screaming, throwing himself around, pulling at his hands and arms like he wanted to just rip them off!! This is where mom started to cry :(  I felt soo awful not being able to console him in any way. By the time we changed him and got him back in to his own pajamas he was awake, and taking things ok. He was bright eyed as we walked back out to the car. He stayed awake and played while we made a quick stop to Target. On the way home, he fell asleep in the car and slept for 3 hours. When he woke up, he was as happy as can be and I could honestly say he's had one of his best days he's had in over two weeks!!  Let's hope it stays this way :)

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