Tuesday, March 15, 2011

sweet potatoes?

Kenley says...NO THANK YOU!!

We have been making our own baby food with fresh vegetables, however we do have a few jars from the store in our cupboards for any "just in case" moments. Well I think the kids have maybe had too many tastes of the store-bought-fun-flavored-stuff because they are wrinkling up their noses every time we offer them the homemade veggies. Kaden often gets a full body shiver, however he typically finishes his meal. Kenley on the other hand literally hates it! When I give her a jar of the "good stuff" she will lunge towards the spoon for her next bite literally shooving the spoon down her throat. When it's not her favorite, she gags, shakes, spits it out, seals her lips up tight, looks the other direction, and when I do get a bite in her mouth she will actually give me a sound like she's pretending to throw up, loudly!  Although maddening, it's sooo funny! When I first intended to make my own baby food, I knew I shouldn't have given them the jar food first...for this exact reason. But I am determined to make this work..........not only because it's cheaper, but I know it's soo much healthier for them and know that the transition to real table food will be much easier. So, as long as they are not starving, I plan on continuing to present it to them until they realize that it's not soo bad.

But, I think I may keep away from the sweet potatoes for a little while :)


  1. Anonymous3/15/2011

    HAHA I am giggling very loudly, because I can picture it! LOVE!

  2. Anonymous3/23/2011

    I am surprised they don't like the homemade better, usually after you give them a little of that they want nothing to do with baby food. Put hers in an empty jar and see if she just thinks it is better. Am so anxious to see them, hopefully soon. Hugs and kisses, Love you all. Grandma and Grandpa
