Tuesday, March 8, 2011

nebulizers and inhalers

We are lung junkies around our house these days. We have been dealing with respiratory junk for far too long this winter. WE'RE READY FOR SPRING!! 

Both kids had appointments with the Pulmonologist (lung doctor) last Thursday. Kaden has still been doing well since coming home from the hospital. Kenley girl just can't seem to kick it. We've figured it out... since the beginning of January, she has had one full week where she has been "cough free." She's still battling the cough and congestion in her lungs. She often coughs to the point where she ends up throwing up (usually when we're ready to walk out the door and then we have to change her and get everything cleaned up...and end up being late to wherever we are going!)

This is a rare occasion. Kaden screamed through 95% of his nebulizer treatments. We have actually stopped him now and are on an "as needed" basis.

Kenley actually prefers to do her nebs upside down...silly girl :)

The kids are to get two puffs of the inhaler both morning and night. As you can see, Kaden hates it. It's really not that bad though, because the second you remove the mask from his face, he instantly stops. The whole process only takes a couple of minutes.

For some reason Kenley starts to panic the instant the mask is put to her face. She tries to hold her breath and then she struggles to breathe. We try to calm her down to help her realize that she can relax and just breathe normally. It's pretty hard to watch. They need to take 6 breaths before we can count that as "one puff", so by the time we remove the mask from her face, she's out of breath. Poor thing.

When they are finished, we need to clean their mouth so they do not develop Thrush, a fungus of the mouth that can be caused from the steroids.

They are both very tolerant of this as we've brushed their "teeth" from the day they came home from the hospital. It's not as easy as it used to be though with those little teeth coming in on the bottom :)


  1. Anonymous3/23/2011

    I would think by now they would be so used to it, they would not mind it so bad. I talked to someone yesterday and their kids had gone through a similar thing. They were big enough now that they were asking for them. Hopefully they won't have to be on that long. Love you all Grandma and Grandpa

  2. My friend's kids went through similar respiratory problems last winter. thankfully it got better fot the kids once they were given treatments with omron nebulizers

  3. The most common and major benefit seen through the natural steam inhalation therapy is its wonderful way of treating the respiratory problems or complications generated with the common cold, sinuses, blocked nose, flu, bronchitis, asthma etc

  4. The steaminhaler helps in soothing the steady vapour. You can vary the adjustment of the steam and thus making it perfect for aromatherapy.

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