Monday, February 14, 2011

Our 1/2 of a Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Here is only half of our Valentine, the other half was sick this morning and was out of her clothes within minutes of putting them on.

Can you guess which letters were on Kenley's shirt?? We "LOVE" you all!
*thanks Kris for the cute onesies :)

This Valentine's Day wasn't particularly "lovey."  I spent most of the day covered in puke and calming unhappy babies. Kenley has had some terribly icky diapers the last couple of days and this morning I had changed four of them within 45 minutes. She also threw up this morning, but then she didn't make another mess the rest of the day. This evening got a little hairy again though. Both kids were running temps of 102+. Kaden was screaming and refusing his bottle. Kenley throwing up ALL OVER THE PLACE!!  They both were given Tylenol and put to bed and the dr. will be called in the morning.

**Can I just say one more time......we're ready for healthy babies again!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my poor babies! I hope everyone gets to feeling better soon, and mom & dad don't start throwing up!!! I LOVE Kaden man's picture...what a BIG boy!!!
