Saturday, February 12, 2011

6 Months

The kids are already 6 months old...the time is flying by, but boy are we having fun!!

At their 6 month appointments, both kids are right on track. Here are our statistics:

Weight:  18lbs. 6oz (50th percentile)
Height:  26 inches

Weight:  20lbs. 6oz (97th percentile)
Height:  26 inches

Here is what we've been up to:

*Bath time is 8pm every night, followed by a bottle and bed time
*Kenley is drinking 7oz, Kaden is drinking 6 oz.
*Kenley is sitting independently (she has been since about 4.5/5 months), Kaden is sitting supported
*Both are rolling over and moving all over the floor
*Kenley is getting up on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth (when on her tummy, she only scoots herself backwards though, she can't get to anything that's just out of reach in front of her...she just gets further and further away)
*Kenley is wearing 9-12 month clothes, Kaden is wearing 6-9 month clothes
*Kenley is in size 4 diapers, Kaden is in size 3 diapers
*They both love to babble and make high pitched squeals
*Kaden is very ticklish, Kenley not at all
*Kaden loves to smile and giggle, Kenley smiles a ton but is not much of a "giggler"
*They both love to put everything in their mouth. Anything they can get their hands on goes directly into the mouth
*Kaden has 2 bottom teeth, Kenley doesn't have any teeth yet
*They both are just starting to find their feet and enjoy grabbing them
*They have started eating vegetables along with their rice cereal in the evening. They're still adjusting to the "new taste" with some gagging, body shivers, and funny faces
*They each have a very distinct whine when they are ready for a nap
*They both love jumping in the jumperoo and each go crazy when they are in it
*They are starting to demonstrate some separation anxiety, as they are crying more when we leave the room
*They both fall asleep anytime we are in the car

They are both such good kids. This is such a fun age...we are enjoying every minute of them!!!

**Another update from our 6 month appointments: Both kids have continued to have yucky coughs. They just can't seem to kick it. The doctor was not at all happy with the way their lungs were sounding. It's just been too long for them to be having problems. He told us to continue the nebulizers on Kaden, but he also put Kenley on them too. He also prescribed them both an antibiotic. We've been doing four nebulizer treatments and 3 doses of antibiotics each day for both kids. Because the doctor feels like it shouldn't be taking them so long to get over this (especially kaden, being on nebulizers for so long and with the steroids they were giving him) he has set us up an appointment with a pediatric pulmonologist early in March, just to see if there is something else going on. We're definitely ready for everyone to be getting over all of this garbage!

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