Saturday, November 20, 2010


November 14, 2010

A very special day we have been waiting a long time for.

The kids did very well. Everybody was telling me I was worrying for nothing, but Kenley was very crabby that weekend and was screaming A LOT!!  I just knew we would get up front and she would let the whole world know her feelings, in a very LOUD way. But I was totally wrong, they both were perfect! I loved it :)



It really was a great weekend. It was fun to have my sister and her family here...there's nothing that's not enjoyable when she's around. (oh yeah, maybe my crabby baby, but in my defense she was REALLY crabby). When the weekend was over and everyone went home on Sunday afternoon, it hit me. It hit me hard. It makes me physically sick to realize how fast time passes us by. I was so looking forward to the weekend, and in a split second it's over. I cried for two days knowing that I didn't get to take the pictures that I wanted to take for baptism. We were able to get a couple in of the four of us and a few of just the kids, but we never took any with their sponsors, Kris and Josh, we didn't take any with grandparents and we didn't take any with great-grandparents.  UGHH!!  But it was time for the kids to eat and when that time rolls around, there is nothing else that can get in the way.

That leads me to this. I so often feel like Cody and I are still in "survival mode" and that life is passing us by. We feel like we are so busy just taking care of everyday needs that we are missing the little things in life. And because these two little miracles didn't come to us easily, I want to cherish every second. They are already almost 4 months old and every day goes faster than the last. We feel like we are in the movie Groundhog Day...where we live I crawl into bed and think to myself "what did we do that was special today?"  hmmm...nothing!  I made supper, we cleaned up supper, we washed dishes, we washed bottles, we filled bottles, we threw in a load of laundry, we folded laundry, we put away laundry, we calmed crabby babies, we changed babies, we fed babies, we bathed babies, we put babies to bed and then it's time for us to go to bed and relive the same day over tomorrow. WOW, by no means am I complaining, because I wouldn't change any of it for the world....but if we could just slow down time a little!!

So who can help me with that??


  1. Anonymous11/25/2010

    Oh how I wished that so many times, it is always that way and the older we get the faster the time goes. They are only little for such a short time, just spend every minute you can with them. Although you two need to get out once in a while and have Cody and Hollie time too. I am so anxious to see them again,like you said the day went so fast, I wanted pictures of us with them too. Another time, we can do that. Hope none of you got sick after your poor Mom was so sick. Hope to see you Sat AM Love you all, Grandma and Grandpa

  2. Anonymous11/28/2010

    As I read this I got tears in my eyes because IT'S SO TRUE. I realize it more with each child I've had. I do wish time/life would slow down a little so that the little things could be enjoyed more. When you figure out how to do it please let me know!
    And man did that 4 months come up quick!
