Friday, October 8, 2010

11 weeks

My first day back at work and our first full week at daycare went pretty well. The first day was a little emotional (for me anyway...I think the kids handled it pretty well), with quite a few tears shed. We're getting into a pretty good routine though and the kids even slept all night, two nights in a row!

We also had our "two-month" well baby check this afternoon. Let me tell you...we've got a couple healthy babies on our hands:

Kaden:  12 pounds 9 ounces (50th percentile)
22 inches

Kenley: 14 pounds 3 ounces (97th percentile!)
23 inches

They got to experience their first round of shots :(   Kenley didn't do too bad. Kaden on the other hand...I think he passed out on the table. He forgot that it's important to continue breathing in order to survive. MY POOR BABIES!!


  1. Linda and Dale10/09/2010

    Holy Cow they are healthy babies. What a great Mom and Dad they have. Poor Babies with the shots though. Makes me want to cry when little ones have to get them. Thank God for Tylenol. Take care and see you soon.

  2. Linda and Dale10/09/2010

    Addition to that previous post.....I just realized that's almost double their birth weights. HOLLLLY COOOWWW!!
