Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 5, 2009....The Results Are In.......


I honestly don't think there are enough words that would adequately express our shock and excitement!! We are going to have a baby.....FINALLY!!! We had our appointment yesterday, with a urine and blood test, and I think we were both completely stunned. We had really talked ourselves into this not working and were focusing more on, where do we go from here? We had a very excited staff right along with us, as we all shed a few tears. I have to go back in on Monday for more blood work, just to make sure my hCG levels are continuing to go up. At that time they will give me my due date. So you will have to stay tuned for more results on Monday.

Obviously I am VERY early into my pregnancy, and if we were doing this the "normal" way, we wouldn't be sharing our news so soon. However, we know that you all have become an intrical part of our lives and have given us so much in the way of your thoughts, prayers, and encouraging words. At the beginning of all of this I was hesitant to open up about our very emotional roller coaster we were about to embark on. But as I told Cody yesterday, we needed everyone's support, we needed everyone's prayers, and there would have been no way that we could have done this on our own....and so I may have given up a lot of privacy, but I would never change that for the world. We have seen the power of prayer more than once in our lives and God has blessed us once again!!


  1. Linda, Dale and Dylan12/05/2009

    FANTASTIC...WONDERFUL...AWESOME...GREAT NEWS...BUT MOST OF ALL...THANK GOD!!!!! As I'm reading this I have tears in my eyes. I am so excited for you guys. You will be great parents. I have been thinking about you and waiting to hear the news. I didn't expect to hear this early. I thought maybe you would keep it a secret for a little while, just the two of you, but I'm glad your spreading the great news. Just follow the doctors instructions and take care of yourselves and He will answer all of our prayers.

  2. Anonymous12/05/2009

    I am surprised that we got to hear that fantastic news so soon.. but I'm sure glad you shared with us! I am still teary eyed! THANK YOU GOD! Thank you God! THANK YOU GOD! I'm so thankful that it happened & that all the prayers and thoughts and well wishes from everyone work! And of course all the hard work at time put it by the two of you... this baby has a lot to be thankful for, 2 wonderful parents who tried so hard & knew that someday it would happen! I'm so happy for you!
    Congrats & love
    -Dareth & Alyse-

  3. Anonymous12/05/2009

    Woo Hoo! I'm so excited for you both! I can't wait to be an auntie and have our babies play together!!! Congratulations times a million!

    Aunt Kristal, Uncle Josh, & Cousin Guinness (and baby Krohn)

  4. Anonymous12/05/2009

    Woo Hoo! I'm so excited I want to shout from the roof tops (I'll wait and let you share your news first though)!!! I can't wait to be an auntie and have our babies be buddies! Congratulations times a million!

    Love Aunt Kristal, Uncle Josh, and Cousin Guinness (and baby Krohn)

  5. Anonymous12/05/2009

    CONGRATS YOU GUYS!! We are SOOOOOOOO happy for you two or should I say three maybe four....;P Thanking God over and over again, what a miracle! Love you tons.

    Jason Heidi and Jacoby

  6. Anonymous12/05/2009

    Ahhhh at last. What awesome news. We are super excited for the PROUD parents. Streffs

  7. Anonymous12/05/2009

    YAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS CODY AND HOLLI!!! We're so excited for you guys!
    We love you lots and will talk with you soon
    Jeff and Emily

  8. Angie Meyer12/06/2009


  9. Anonymous12/06/2009

    YaY!!A big sigh of relief has come over me,We are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY to here the news.God Bless. Hope you have a good 9 months. love ya both. Gary Char Keyane

  10. Anonymous12/07/2009

    Congrats you two!! Marcus and I are so excited for you!! We love you two lots and can't wait to share the love with baby Finke, or maybe babies!! See you soon!!

    Marcus and Jo
