Tuesday, May 15, 2012

He's here!!

Happy Birthday,

Paxton John Finke

May 14, 2012

9lbs. 14oz.
22 inches

Here's our story:
*6:45am check in at admissions
*get settled into our room. had lengthy discussions with the doctor and nurses as far as the traumatic experiences we had last time, what we wanted the day to look like, and the decisions we needed to make in order for it to go more smoothly.
*9:00 started the induction with a single dose of cytotec, dilated to 2cm, contractions starting to get more consistent
*1:15pm 3cm, dr. breaks my water, now contractions really starting to intensify over the next few hours
*3:00 dilated to 4cm, ordered my epidural
*4:00 epidural. the anesthesiologist was aware that I did NOT have optimal pain management during my last labor/delivery, so he was determined to make this experience different. he gave me a combination spinal/epidural and he was the new love of my life :)  I was 100% numb from my belly down (I was enjoying the idea of being pain-free, but not being able to move or feel anything, really kind of messed with my mind, and I didn't like it very much)
*5:00 dilated to 5cm
*7:00 complete and ready to start pushing! there was only one doctor on the floor, so we needed to wait for her to come in and give us the "ok"
*7:30 started pushing. contractions were very consistent at 2-3 minutes apart
*9:00 my spinal was starting to wear off. I was really starting to feel a lot of pain again and we weren't really getting close to delivery, so it started to worry me with how long we had to go yet. the anesthesiologist was paged again and he came back and gave me another bolus of a different medication, in hopes of getting me through delivery! he didn't anticipate it doing much, but boy it worked out perfectly! it took away my pain, but I could still feel touch and pressure, which really helped me in the pushing process.
*11:00 baby was born!  three and a half hours of pushing, I didn't know if we were going to get it done!
*Paxton was here, all 9 pounds and 14 ounces of him! I never thought he would be that big!

*I can't even begin to tell you how awesome this experience was as compared to the delivery of the twins. we had an amazing team from start to finish and I couldn't have asked for anything to go any differently. the whole proces, worked 100% in our favor and that makes us very happy :)


  1. Anonymous5/15/2012

    Everyone looks great as compared to the last time. I am having a horrible time not being able to come up, but with the macular back I am not excited to drive in SF by myself. Guess I will have to be patient and come to Brewster. Are you going right home or what, let us know. I about wore my carpet out from noon on yesterday and when I got up this morning I was really getting worried. Can't wait to see what Kenley and Kaden think if him, will be fun.
    Love to all Grandma and Grandpa

  2. Anonymous5/15/2012

    what a beautiful (little) guys he looks like his daddy. Holli you look good as always glad to hear that all went well hope to see the little guy soon.Gary Char and Keyane

  3. Anonymous5/15/2012

    sorry Cody you look good as always also :)

  4. Anonymous5/15/2012

    We are so happy for you guys!! Also, very relieved that this experience went a lot more smoothly for you. We cannot wait to meet him! Sorry that we didn't get up there. We didn't realize that you are already leaving tomorrow morning!! We also cannot wait to hear stories of how well Kenley and Kaden adjust to him!! Hope to see you soon! Jeff, Emily and Beckett
