Wednesday, May 9, 2012

38 weeks

I was 38 weeks on Monday and had my appointment yesterday afternoon. I first did my NST and then met with the doctor (unfortunately not my regular OB). The NST looked good. Baby boy was pretty active right away in the beginning, giving them the information they needed and then he got a little sleepy. I stayed hooked up to the monitors for about 45 minutes. It simply amazes me that they can put me in this chair, recline me, and put my feet up and I won't have a single contraction for 45 minutes, but once I stand up or move around, I start contracting like crazy! 

After that I saw the doctor. She checked my cervix and I've dialated to a 1cm. I was really hoping to be further along than that. I know he is still high, because I can feeling him digging into my ribs and I'm always short of breath. But I also know he's dropping because I can feel increasing pressure on my pubic bone. Maybe it's because he's so big and he's just everywhere!

Our goal for delivery is obviously to try a vaginal birth first. My doctor is completely aware that I am terrified I'm going to have an experience like I did with the twins, and she has done everything she can to calm my fears. If at any point, I'm getting uncomfortable with things or the process, we will go straight into a c-section. I'm hoping she's right and things will go much smoother and faster this time around.

I've been working around the house like crazy this week. I really feel like the organizing and everything as far as the baby's concerned is complete. Now, I just want my house clean. Like, deep-spring-cleaning, clean! I know I'm over-doing it, but I can't seem to get my husband to help out :(  My to-do list is still a mile long and we're running out of time. I'm trying to tell myself it's ok not to get everything done. This is not the important stuff (although in my mind, it is a big deal).

Things at work are finally starting to wind down, although I've worked my butt off trying to get everything done in time. I wish I would have this kind of ambition the whole school year!!  I couldn't have done it though without some amazing co-workers who really stepped up to help me out :)

Happy Wednesday!! 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5/09/2012

    Must be the season, I am digging in like crazy too, got 2 closets done and a couple of dressers. Long way to go though. That is probably a good thing to be energetic, sometimes that helps speed things up. Hopefully it will be soon and all will go well. Love you all, hugs and kisses for Kenley and Kaden. Grandma and Grandpa
