Saturday, May 5, 2012

37 weeks

Pregnancy #1

Pregnancy #2

(yep, same shirt)

*I made it to 37 weeks last pregnancy, that's all the further I went. I was kind of hoping to go at 37 weeks this time around too, but doesn't look like that's going to happen :(

*The pain from my kidney stones has been pretty manageable since getting out of the hospital. I continue to have a dull aching pain in my back on the right side, but I've only had to take a few pain pills since being home.

*I had a follow up ultrasound of my kidneys and bladder this past Monday. The scan continues to show the large stone in my right kidney, but it doesn't show any blockages of any sort, so that's good.

*I also had my monthly ultrasound of baby on Monday. This was my last one :(  He wasn't cooperating very well and kept his hands over his face almost the entire time, so I really didn't get to see much of him. He continues to move around like crazy and was weighing 8lbs. 6oz.

*I met with my OB that same afternoon. She checked me and I haven't started dialating at all yet. Baby has dropped some though because she could now feel the top of his head.

*My feet have just now started to swell. My blood pressure was also a little high at my last appointment. Nothing dangerously high, but just higher than It's been lately.

*We set an induction date of Monday, May 14th. I wouldn't be at all sad if he decided to come before that!

*I honestly do not have a clue how I was able to carry twins my first pregnancy. I have been getting very uncomfortable and feel like I'm about as big as I was with the twins. Taking pictures like these puts things right back into perspective!

*I'm getting a little emotional about Kaden and Kenley not being my only babies anymore. I can't tell you how excited I am to be having another one and can't tell you how excited I am for him to be here, but I still have that hurt in my heart that makes me question if I'll be able to show them as much love as they deserve once I'm busy with another baby. They're not going to be babies anymore, they are already turning into such "big kids" and I know that will be even more evident with a new baby. I'm really struggling with that right now.

*Cody gave me a "pedicure" last night. It was really a nice gesture, but I don't think I'll be recommending him to anyone, anytime soon! Maybe it was becasue we didn't really have the right "tools" but I woke up to raw feet this morning and before long my toes will probably have scabs on them. The massage was absolutely amazing though! If you know Cody, this was pretty huge for him. I don't think I can even remember him ever rubbing my feet before :)

*We had a real tornado emergency this afternoon at school. The weather got pretty bad, pretty quickly. We were rushed into the women's bathroom with nine 4th grade boys who had just spent the last couple of hours in the principal's office for discipline issues. They were now very terrified and a lot of tears were shed. The power had gone out, it had got a pretty warm and pretty stinky in there before we were given the all clear. Needless to say, it was not how I was hoping to spend my Friday afternoon.

*We are still dealing with Kenley's bottom. She hasn't had a rash-free butt for 4 months now!! Poor thing!  Some days she just screams even when she's just peed.  We've been back to the doctor who put her on another oral antibiotic and has started to think it could possibly be from her inhaler. We clean their mouths after their inhalers so they don't get thrush, which is basically a yeast infection of the mouth. Well, if she's getting any of that medicine into her gut then it could possibly be coming out in her stools and we're just never getting rid of it.  We've actually stopped the inhalers now for the summer months and she's starting to clear up!  Not completely, but it's a lot better. Could this really, finally, be the answer?  We meet with the pulmonologist again at the end of this month, so I'll be curious to get his opinion on it all. But seriously, something's gotta make this girl's butt better.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5/08/2012

    Glad to hear all is going relatively well for you Holli. Time is getting short and you can really see on the picture he has dropped a ways.
    Don't stress about the twins, they will be fine. A Mothers heart just expands in size and there is a lot of love for all of them. You are such good Mom and Dads. Can't wait to get to snuggle with the little guy. Hope and Pray all goes well and fast. Love you all, hugs and Kisses for Kenley and Kaden. Grandma and Grandpa
