Wednesday, November 25, 2009

November 25, 2009...I'm Back!

Wow, it has been a LONG three days!!! I actually thought I would be better at best rest than I actually was. For the first two days I was required to lay flat on my back, which was much harder than I thought. Then today, I just pretty much had to be a couch potato. Moving into an upright position this morning and hanging out on the couch was much more enjoyable than laying flat in my bed. I am glad my sister was able to get on here and give a little update (thanks Kris!). I wanted to be sure you got at least a little news as to how the appointment went on Monday. Our transfer went very smoothly. I can honestly say the worst part was probably my full bladder. Not only was I full, I was very uncomfortable. I actually ended up in acute care on Sunday, the day before our transfer, and found out I acquired myself a little urinary tract infection. Needless to say, being required to hold a full bladder was borderline inhumane! I was put on antibiotics and have definately felt relief! Before getting started the Dr. came in with the grades our embryos were given on day 5. They are graded on an ABC scale. Three of our embryos were a B+, two of them were a B and one was a C. Our big decision was to decide how many we wanted to transfer. He gave us the choice to do one or two. We obviously choose two. Two of the B+ embryos were actually blastocysts already, so that was very good news and those were the two we transferred. Cody and I had to completely "gown up" before going into the procedure room. I wish I had a camera....I got the giggles looking at cody in a super tight garbage bag-looking gown, a mask, and a hat that made him look more like a chef than a patient. Once we got into the procedure room, I actually couldn't even look at him because I was laughing so hysterically. Once I was situated, the nurse started the ultrasound and was very impressed with my full bladder!!! It pushed my uterus into the exact position it was supposed to. We got to watch everything on the ultrasound monitor. We watched the cathether moving in and in a very brief moment, we got to watch our two tiny embryos move out of the catheter and into the uterus. What an amazing feeling! When he was finished I had to lay upside down for an hour. And when I say upside down, I mean it. My bed was actually at a pretty good angle with my feet in the air. When we were finished there, we then headed over for my last acupuncture session and then headed home where I have been vegging out for the last three days.

Yesterday I received a call from the lab with our final embryo report. They give them until day 6 to see which embryos have made it that far and if they look well enough to freeze. Of our 4 remaining embryos, 2 of them arrested and 2 of them still looked great!! It was absolutely amazing news for us to hear that we have 2 embryos to freeze.

I am down to one injection per day. Although it's only one, it's probably the worst one possible. The progesterone in oil burns like hell and leaves a terrible bruise. I am sure to ice it up good before Cody gives it and we try to alternate hips depending on which one feels the best at the time. I also just started a Vivelle patch today, which is just another dose of hormones.

I have to go back in a couple of weeks for the big pregnancy test. I am actually going to reserve the exact date for just Cody and I.....I figure we have to have some element of surprise. Until then, we just hurry up and wait....and pray!!

Cody and I want to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. As we reflect on the blessings we have received this past year, every single one of you come to mind. We have been blessed!


  1. Anonymous11/25/2009

    Wow this is so exciting. I get goose bumps thinking of how you guys must be feeling. And Cody I am sure you looked just stunning in your gown, etc. I hope someone has pictures for the scrapbook. The anticipation of the next post has is equivalent to Christmas morning. Take care and get LOTS of rest. Waiting to hear....The Streffs

  2. Dale, Linda and Dylan11/26/2009

    Once again, all I can say is WOW. The things you two have gone through together and the support the two of you have for each other is amazing. I totally understand keeping the special date a surprise. You two have been so open with this whole process that you deserve to keep some things to yourself until you feel you want the rest of us to know. I do have to add though that I can't wait. You take care and do what the doctors tell you and God will take it the rest of the way. Happy Thanksgiving. We missed you at Grandpa and Grandmas.
    Love ya!!!!
