Friday, November 20, 2009

November 20, 2009... Growing Embryos

I finally got a chance to talk to Dr. Hansen's office this afternoon. They let us know that our teeny tiny babies are still growing in petri dishes! Crazy, I know. The nurse didn't get a chance to talk to the embryologist much about how well the embryos looked specifically, but she did say they felt they looked good enough to wait and do a 5-day transfer on Monday!!!  It's a little frustrating not to know anymore about how well they are doing...if any are pulling ahead or if others are lagging behind. Our transfer is scheduled for 7:30 Monday morning. The embryo transfer is the last procedure in the IVF process, and it could be considered the most important. The entire IVF cycle depends on the very delicate placement of the embryos at the proper location in the uterine cavity.  I was also told that I have to come with a very full bladder. And the way they made it sound....VERY FULL. Apparently this allows for better ultrasound visualization of the catheter and a full bladder also pushes against the uterus in order to get a better angle to insert the catheter, making the process easier and less traumatic for both the endometrial lining and the embryos. The nurse said a full bladder can increase my chances by 30-50%. I will have a full bladder!! The process will look much like my first IUI's, only the catheter will be loaded with the embryos, rather than just sperm. The catheter will be threaded through my cervix and into my uterus all while being guided by ultrasound. When the catheter tip reaches the ideal location, the embryos are then "transferred" or squirted out of the catheter onto the endometrial lining. After the procedure I will be required to lay in the office for an hour.

I will also be finishing up my last couple of acupuncture sessions. I am to do one treatment before the transfer and one after the transfer. The pre-treatment will most likely be done on Sunday night...needless to say, these doctors are wonderful! This treatment is to prepare my body for what is about to happen. The post treatment will take place immediately after I am done at Dr. Hansen's office. The post treatment has a very small window of time that it can take place. The purpose of this treatment is to get my uterus to contract just enough to get the embryos burrowed down into the uterine lining. Amazing stuff!!

After the transfer I will be taking it easy for a few those little buggers the best chance possible. We are really trying to draw that fine line about getting really excited but not getting overly excited. Please pray for us.


  1. Dale, Linda and Dylan11/20/2009

    You got it!!! We will be praying that everything goes according to plan along with a wonderful result. Thanks for keeping us up to date on the progress. We will be thinking of you guys Monday.
    Love ya!!!

  2. Anonymous11/22/2009

    You two are the greatest. you are so upbeat about all of this not sure that is the case with everybody. God is watching out for you throughout this whole process and if it is ment to be you will have a healthy baby in just 9 months (Sept 2010). We are just as excited as you are. Are prayes are a given as always Luv ya !! Maybe see you at Thanksgiving at grandpa & grandma F gary char keyane

  3. Anonymous11/22/2009

    Wow Amazing Stuff is right. It has been sooo interesting following along with you experience. Thanks, Holli, for all the great detail. I don't think any of us would realize just what a process this is without you journaling. We wish for the best for Monday and hope to continue to get good news. Blessings. The Streffs
