Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18, 2009...Egg Retrieval Accomplished

The egg retrieval went great today. IV drugs are amazing, that's all I've got to say. I've been experiencing some pretty intense abdominal cramps, which is completely normal because they seriously jabbed a needle through my uterus and directly into both ovaries to aspirate the follicles. Ouch! But anyway, we were out of the office by 9:30, so no complications at all. They retrieved 12 eggs. That is actually a very good number. Ten eggs is average, and they hope to get in the range of 8-12, so we were right on the money. The lab will fertilize the eggs this afternoon and we will get a phone call sometime tomorrow (Thursday) letting us know how many eggs actually achieved fertilization. It is a little out of my comprehension to think that Cody and I are potentially creating embryos right this minute. It's really quite amazing.

The nurse did my first IM (intramuscular shot) in my rear this morning while I was still in recovery. The injection is progesterone in oil and is something we now have to do everyday. I am hoping Cody does as good of a job as the nurse did...I am sure he will, I have faith in him!! I will also start on an antibiotic tonight to deter any possible risks of infection from today.

We can't wait for the phone call tomorrow, hopefully with some good news. I will share with you tomorrow!!


  1. Anonymous11/18/2009

    OH! LOOK AT HOLLI SO PRETTY EVEN WITH IVs! And looking so excited to get jabbed.

    I'm glad everything went without problems and that you had the high number of eggs retrieved!
    I'll be praying for the 2 of you and waiting for more information.
    -Dareth & Alyse

  2. Anonymous11/18/2009

    I am so excited for you i sit here crying because I am so happy!! WOW that is amazing, I cannot wait to hear the news tomorrow. Love your thoughts about what is really happening at this very moment ;) We love you both very much and look forward to your next post!!

    Heidi Jason and Jacoby Daniel
