Sunday, February 7, 2016

cody's been back on chemo for the past week. and unfortunately, back are the days of extreme moodiness and pure exhaustion.

what's coming--
22nd: labs
23rd: mri
24th: fly out to north carolina
25th: duke appointment and fly home

but on to more exciting things. this winter we've been blessed with the gift of spending precious time with the ones we love the most. over christmas, my parents took our family to florida.  and this coming weekend, cody's mom and her husband are taking the family on a 7-night disney cruise. i cannot even begin to tell you how excited we are for this opportunity. we're not sure who is more excited, the kids or the adults :)

1 comment:

  1. I can only say have a lot of fun and remember all of us back here in the snow. Love you all
