Tuesday, March 11, 2014

the mom whose kids are always sick

not sure why, but that seems to be the case. everyone keeps telling me "it will get better-the older they get, it will get better."

the last 9 days have been full of snot, coughs, fevers, diarrhea, dr. appointments, prescriptions, and sleepless nights. for everyone.

this winter we've dealt with strep, sinus infections, several bouts of croup, the stomach flu and ear infections (including a second surgery for kaden to replace his pe tubes and removal of his adenoids). we've had colds and viruses filling the house with snot and coughing spells.

but in the last 6 weeks, kenley has had the stomach flu twice, croup, strep throat, and walking pneumonia.

i'm hoping one day I won't feel so guilty when the kids are sick, but right now I beat myself up every single time.

am I doing something wrong? why does it seem like everyone else's children are healthy? i often feel that those whose children are healthy are judging.

trust me, i'm beyond grateful that the junk we've been dealing isn't anything serious. but still, it's hard. and it gets old. and frustrating.

"we can do certain things to help prevent sickness, but ultimately, we cannot control whether or not our children become ill" ------ this here, is a statement i'll be sure to keep tucked in the back of my brain the next time im sitting at home filling out a sick leave request for work :(


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