Tuesday, March 26, 2013

9 month well baby check

Paxton had his well-baby check in February (just a little behind)....and he is growing like a weed!

Weight: 23lbs. 6oz. (87th percentile)
Height:  29.5 inches (82nd percentile)
Here is what little man is doing:
.the kid loves to eat. he is eating 3 solid meals a day and will fuss anytime he sees anyone with food. he is drinking about 34oz of formula throughout the day as well.
.eating baby cereal, fruits, veggies, and loves to feed himself table food.
.starting to use a sippy cup
.has two bottom teeth and three top teeth (working on his 4th)
.crawling all over. he was early with all his motor skills, i actually thought he might be walking by now. he loves to walk if you hold his hands. he walks along furniture. and is just starting to be able to stand for a few seconds alone.
.wearing size 12 or 12-18 month clothes
.wearing size 3 diapers
.babbling like crazy and will imitate speech sounds.
.hasn't demonstrated any stranger anxiety. he will go to anyone.
.he is such a lover. he loves to snuggle his head into your neck and always leans in for a "kiss"
.responds to his name. loves to play peek-a-boo behind the curtains.
.taking 1-2 naps a day
.loves to take a bath with the big kids.
.baths usually start around 6:30. by 7:00 he is starting to get whiney. he drinks his bottle and goes right to bed.
.occassionally will sleep through the night, but often wakes up once or twice.
this little guy is the happiest, most content, laid back baby....we are so lucky he chose us!

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