Friday, December 7, 2012

what do you think of this little man?

The other morning, Paxton was up early to eat and as his wide eyes gazed up at me, I knew he wasn't planning on going back to sleep. So because I needed to get in the shower and start getting ready for work, I put him back in his crib with some toys. He was very content.

As I'm in the bathroom I hear a crash....

my heart sunk, I thought --oh my gosh, he just flipped himself out of his crib, what am I going to see when I walk in there, I don't know if I can go, what should I do, I don't hear any crying, is he still moving, is he that hurt, what should I do, could he really flip himself out of his crib, no he couldn't have just flipped himself out, what the heck was that then, oh my gosh did he really just flip himself out of the crib---

ok, so I know you're thinking that's a little over the top, but honestly that's how my anxious freakish mind works these days (it's a little out of control, but we're working on it). 

I walk into his room, and there he is standing up in his crib. Thank the Lord, he's still IN his crib. But what the heck! He's standing?!? How is my baby already pulling himself up to stand??  How is this happening??

He had reached over and knocked down the lamp on the side table next to his crib.

And oh was he proud!

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