Wednesday, August 1, 2012

well baby checks

Last week, all three kids had their check-ups with the pediatrician.  Here are our stats:

2 years:
     Weight: 28.12 (60th percentile)
     Height: 34 inches (44th percentile)

     Weight: 34.2 (98th percentile)
     Height: 34 inches (68th percentile)

2 months:
     Weight: 15.0 (88th percentile)
     Height: 25 inches (99th percentile)

I made all the appointments at the same time, so we could do it all in one shot. I thought it would be easier for Cody to take time off and only have to go in once. Yikes, we were there a looooong time. And the longer we were there, the smaller and hotter the room got! But I must admit, all three of them were amazing troopers :)

Paxton got his shots. Mom couldn't wait to pick him up and snuggle. A case of the post-immunization-crabbies also gave mommy some more snuggle time.

We have three growing, healthy, A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, kids on our hands!


  1. Love, love, love! Great job raising the most beautiful, healthy babes EVER :)
    The new format is great too! That picture of Kenley is to die for! And Kaden, well it's Grandpa Rick, is what that is! So precious.

  2. YAY! You are such a good momma! And I love the new format!
