Thursday, April 19, 2012

35 Weeks

Earlier this week I had my 35 week appointment. No ultrasound this time, just a Non Stress Test and a visit with my OB.  During my NST, little man was a rockstar!  He moves almost constantly so they were able to track some awesome accelerations and decelerations in his heartrate within the first few minutes. They wanted to get a good 30 minute strip though for the dr. to see, so I sat there, reclined in my chair, drinking a sprite, and reading a peace and quiet!  (Other than the little guy's heartbeat, which I don't at all mind listening to).

I'm experiencing a lot more contractions/tightenings, cramping, and just "uncomfortable-ness" (is that a word?). Baby is growing and my dr. guesses he will probably be in the 9 pound range when he comes. She's not nervous about me going into labor early, but she said we will schedule an induction at 39 weeks if he doesn't come before then. I was all for it!!! So, now, it's crunch time! 

I can't even begin to tell you how much I have to get done at work before I'll be ready, but hings at home are coming along. We were able to finish the baby's room last weekend, thanks to a ton of help from my parents! I feel like things are finally falling into place. I sorted through all of the baby clothes and separated the boys from the girls and then resorted into age groups. (that was a little emotional!!) In my mind, everything from Kaden and Kenley come as a "pair." It felt weird packing away Kenley's stuff, but leaving out Kaden's :(   We need to get some kind of organizational unit for the closet, so in the meantime clothes are laying all over the floor. But that's about the last thing we need to get done. (other than some final touches). I'll try to post some pictures of the room when I have a free minute, ha! 

Another big transition (which didn't turn out to be a big deal at all) was taking away the night-time bottles. Both kids had still gotten a bottle of milk before bedtime. Well it was definitely time to break that habit and I certainly wanted to get it done before the new baby comes. So one night, after baths, we offered them their milk in their cups. Kenley threw a fit and wouldn't take it...only whining and pointing to the cupboard, crying "ba". It only took a few minutes of convincing though, before she sat down with her cup and finished her milk. Kaden didn't bat an eye :)  So now we are "paci-free" and "bottle-free"... it's a great feeling! Of course a little sad at the same time. My babies aren't babies anymore :(

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/21/2012

    Glad to hear all is going well with the little guy and also you, except for the usual last month misery. That was the only time I hated being pregnant, could not wait for the little one to arrive. Now if they were all little, maybe not. I do have my project finished to, so we are ready. He can take a little more time though. Hugs and kisses to Kenley and Kaden. Love to all of you. Grandma
