Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Our FIRST Birthday!!

So I can't believe my babies turned ONE!!  It's a little hard to grasp at times and it still brings tears to my eyes thinking about how fast they are growing up. I simply can not imagine our life before these two entered it and how boring it would be if they were not here. What in the world did we do BEFORE we had kids?!?

Happy Birthday


Happy 1st Birthday Kaden and Kenley! You are two of the most beautiful children in the whole world. Mommy and Daddy can't express enough the amount of love and joy that you two bring into this home and into our hearts. We prayed for you and you are our miracles. We knew we always wanted to be parents, but I don't think we realized how special you two would make our lives. We are so proud to be your parents.

Kaden, you can be the easiest and most difficult child all at the same time.  When you are happy and feeling well, you are the most content little guy. You are laid back, enjoy playing, and can entertain yourself for long periods of time. You love to copy your sister and follow her around. Whatever she is doing, you are not too far behind. You are a little snuggler and love to be held. You love to smile and your giggle melts our hearts. You hate being told "no" and will typically throw yourself down in a fit when we do tell you no. You love to listen to music and will start to bop up and down and "dance." You are such a precious little boy. We love you so much.

Kenley, you are our wild woman. You have taken the role of  being the "big sister" to heart and you are definitely the boss around here. You are loud and boisterous and plain ol' crazy!! You are always happy and on the go, but we often catch you playing with something you shouldn't be. If it's ever too quiet around here, we definitely need to check where you two are, because you are typically getting into something. You've gotten a little attitude lately and enjoy picking on your brother. You love to eat and you love to sleep. You will eat just about anything and anytime we put you down for bed, you fall right to sleep. You are such a sweet little girl. We love you so much.

"mama" and "dada"

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