Wednesday, July 27, 2011

my excuse...

Alright, let me explain to you why there has been no birthday post and no birthday pictures. I actually don't even know why I'm going to attempt to share, because the simple thought of it makes my blood pressure rise to an unhealthy level. Something is wrong with our internet. I guess I'm not sure if it's our internet or our computer. But something is wrong. VERY wrong. Many days I can't even get the internet to open and if it does open, it's S.O.O.O.S.L.O.O.O.O.W.  I literally can not get a single thing done on it. Like, posting a picture to this blog, would take me ALLL day...just to post one, and that's if I even get it to post!!   I am not even exaggerating.  And crabby, ohh it makes so very crabby! 

So today, I am at my mom's house and all excited that I would just get things done while I was here because her computer is super quick.  One small problem...the pictures from my sister's camera never got downloaded onto this computer before she went back home. So, here I sit with no pictures and I'm right back to square one :(

So sorry.

I promise though, I will get the "birthday post" posted...I just don't know when.

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