Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Just wanted to share this crazy kid....

While Kaden and I were in Des Moines a couple weeks ago, I needed to run to Lowe's to pick up some paint. I left Kaden with my sister and Khloe and she was supposed to be watching them. She thought they were playing nicely in the tupperware cabinet. WRONG! This where she found them.

my excuse...

Alright, let me explain to you why there has been no birthday post and no birthday pictures. I actually don't even know why I'm going to attempt to share, because the simple thought of it makes my blood pressure rise to an unhealthy level. Something is wrong with our internet. I guess I'm not sure if it's our internet or our computer. But something is wrong. VERY wrong. Many days I can't even get the internet to open and if it does open, it's S.O.O.O.S.L.O.O.O.O.W.  I literally can not get a single thing done on it. Like, posting a picture to this blog, would take me ALLL day...just to post one, and that's if I even get it to post!!   I am not even exaggerating.  And crabby, ohh it makes so very crabby! 

So today, I am at my mom's house and all excited that I would just get things done while I was here because her computer is super quick.  One small problem...the pictures from my sister's camera never got downloaded onto this computer before she went back home. So, here I sit with no pictures and I'm right back to square one :(

So sorry.

I promise though, I will get the "birthday post" posted...I just don't know when.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

sorry, this is going to be a super-quick post, but I just wanted to update you all...

Cody's appointment went well today. The MRI continues to look the same. Thank the Lord!!!

Next appointment...4 months

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

we've been busy

It's been a bit crazy around here lately...thus, no blogging.  Here is what we've been up to since our Fourth of July weekend.

July 7th:  Kaden and Kenley had their follow up with the pulmonologist in Sioux Falls. They've been off of their inhalers since the end of April. When they would get a cold or start getting sick (while on the Flovent) we would just start nebs and it seemed like we were able to kick it pretty quickly. After going off of the Flovent, both kids had a nasty cold, were taken to the doctor, and put on nebulizers, antibiotics, and steroids. The pulmonologist felt that they handled being sick better while on the you guessed it, we are back to doing inhalers twice a day for both kids.

July 8th:  Kaden had his follow up with the ENT to check how his tubes were doing. Everything looked great. He still continues to pull on his left ear, but the ear looked good and the Dr. said there is nothing to worry about. Kenley left for Des Moines with grandma and grandpa and Kaden stayed with us for the weekend. It was also our 5th wedding anniversary, so the 3 of us went out for supper at Texas Roadhouse in Sioux Falls....mmm, mmm, good!!

July 10th:  Myself and three other girlfriends hosted a baby shower for our friend Emily. Although being extremely warm, we had a lot of fun and she got some great gifts!!

July 11-15:  Kaden and I went to Des Moines for the week. I wanted to get down there and see my sister....ok, I'll be honest, I needed her help with tons of stuff in preparation for the big birthday party coming up. My mom threw out the idea of only taking one baby and her keeping the other. With just me going, I took her up on the idea because I knew it would be a heck of a lot easier to get things done or attempt to go anywhere with only one....I decided to take Kaden, because he is a little more difficult to take care of these days, and left Kenley, the easy one, with my parents (besides missing Kenley like crazy, it was a great idea). We had a great time.

July 16th:  Brewster Fun Days!!  Because it was about 170 degrees out, the only activity we hit up was the parade. Cody has to direct traffic during the parade so we walked the kids up and roasted enjoyed the many fire trucks and tractors (hey, that's what you get when you live in Brewster Minnesota, haha). We are also attempting to remodel our breezeway and it has to be done before the birthday party. So Cody's dad came over that morning and the two of them worked outside in hopes of getting things done. 

July 17th:  The guys didn't get everything they wanted to get done on Saturday, so Cody's dad came back on Sunday. And once again, ROASTED, in the heat. We ran out of materials and had to do some more ordering, so for now, it's a finished product.

July 18th:  I worked on getting the breezeway painted. Now I am not one who does particularly well in the heat and prefer myself some indoor air conditioning....but I knew the painting was going to have to be my job. Just why, oh why, does it have to be soo hot this week?!? I got the bottom half of the walls done...the top half was going to have to be tomorrow's project.  That evening we also found out that Cody's great-grandma had passed away :(

July 19th (today): This morning I went right out and got started painting. It actually wasn't too bad to start off, but by the time I finished I was a hot-mess!  The kids have been great the last two days while I've attempted to be out of the house. But this morning, while I thought they were being such good kids in the house, I came in to a picture frame taken off of the shelf with the glass busted, the dvd drawer open and dvd's emptied out and strung all over the living room, and the two of them sitting there shredding up a pile of kleenex's.  OH MY!!  Now don't get me wrong. I do check on them. Every few minutes I walk in the house and just glance at what they are doing (if they are not standing at the door watching me). But between the time I checked on them last until coming in again....they had been quite mischeivious. And FAST!  I couldn't help but laugh :)

The rest of the week:

Remember, I am trying to get this FIRST birthday party planned amongst all of the madness and those wheels never stop turning in the back of my head about everything that needs to get done yet...I'm freaking out just a little bit!

July 21st:  Cody has his follow-up MRI and oncology visit. His scans are at 9:00am with the Dr. appointment at 4:00pm. Cody's mom is taking the kids that day and in between appointments we are going to do some serious last minute shopping.

July 22nd:  Happy Birthday Kaden and Kenley!! We also will be attending Cody's great-grandma's funeral that day and finishing up getting ready for....

July 23rd:  BIRTHDAY PARTY!! 

Whew, then it will all be over!

So, don't think I'm ignoring you....we've just had a few things on our plate lately.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Flashback Friday

Wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th of July!!!