Thursday, December 23, 2010

5 months

The biggest event here that's been taking place the last couple of days is that Kenley is scooting....backwards!!  It's such a hoot to watch her. She's got the rolling over down pretty good. Everytime you put her on her back she's flipping on to her tummy. Which, is fun to watch, except after she's just eaten. That is definitely not a good thing for such a puker :)  But once she is on her tummy she starts pushing herself and ends up going backwards. And when she gets mad, she gets going pretty good! We can't take our eyes off of her for more than a couple of minutes or she's got herself into some unwanted predicament. She's been trapped under the swing, gotten herself under the Christmas tree and even scooted herself into the kitchen.

(now she's really mad!)

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