Thursday, April 14, 2011


*Cody had his follow up MRI this morning.

*Because we discovered he is allergic to MRI dye (which is VERY unusual), they pre-medicate him with Prednisone. He has to take a pill 13, 7, and 1 hour prior to his scan. This morning, they wanted him to bring his medication with him and take the last pill while in the office and then wait that hour before having his scan. This was ridiculous. We're pretty sure he can be a "big boy" and take his medicine on his own and come in when it's time for his appointment. We were at the hospital for over 2 hours for a 40 minute scan......yes, I'm whining a bit! But apparently it helps, because he had no reaction at all today.

*Cody did his routine lab work

*We had lunch together and did some shopping...without the kids...they were staying with grandma. It was so nice to be able to run in and out of places, quickly. We got so much done!

*We met with the doctor, who gave us the good news.....Cody's scan is still unchanged from the previous ones!!!  It looks like this spot is just scar tissue and is not new tumor growth. Thank the Lord!! The dr. is still very concerned with Cody's blood though. Apparently he makes too much of it? He is completely convinced that Cody is a smoker and that we are lying to him when we say he's never smoked in his life. This is the only explanation, without doing more tests, that would explain his blood levels and for some reason, he just doesn't believe us.

*We picked up McDonalds on our way out of town. They messed up our order and the fries were way too salty....a little disappointing :(

*We got back to Brewster about 7:30 tonight. Just in time to unload everything from the car and get the kids' baths started. They both had fallen asleep on the way home, and once we got here and took them out of their seats....HOLY CRABBY!! 

*Once Kenley had her bath and was given a bottle, she went right to sleep. Kaden on the other hand, not so much. I took him into the dr. on Monday to discover that he had an ear infection. We knew something wasn't right with him because he has been so crabby lately. Well...he's still crabby! Like super crabby. And mad. He gets soo mad at us when we try to put him to sleep and he is not ready. Like ear-drum-blowing-screamin'-mad!

*It's 9:30 now and both kids are sleeping...finally.

*We are SOOO glad that another appointment is behind us. And we're also a little excited that it's Friday tomorrow, aren't you?

1 comment:

  1. Linda and Dale4/15/2011

    SOOOO glad everything turned out ok with Cody. Thank you God!!!! Does he do another recheck in 6 months again???? Now if the little people in the family could cooperate that would be even better:) Keeping the prayers coming your way! Take care and keep the updates coming. Love reading about the fam:) Hope to see you guys soon.
