Wednesday, April 13, 2011

it's time once again...

**Cody has his follow-up appointment Thursday, April 14th**

MRI ~ 9:45

Dr. M. ~ 2:30


  1. Praying lots, always!
    Love you all :)

  2. Anonymous4/16/2011

    THANK YOU GOD,for a good appointment.
    poor Kaden he has been getting hit hard this winter/spring hope that all goes away so he can have a great summer.can't wait to see them again. Gary Char and Keyane

  3. Anonymous4/17/2011

    Thank God for his many blessings, now I feel safe about taking the three of them off the Prayer list at church, Kaden not make me wrong. Hope to see you all over the weekend, we are having dinner on Sun, but come whenever you can get here. I am sure we will have some left overs. Love you all, Hugs and Kisses
