Friday, April 29, 2011

yep, I totally stole this from my sister's blog, but it's TOTALLY worth it!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

9 months

The kids had their 9 month well baby check yesterday.  They are not doing a very good job of listening to mom and decided to turn 9 months without my permission :(

Weight: 19lbs. 10oz (35th percentile)
Height: 27.5 inches

Weight: 22lbs. 15oz (97th percentile)
Height: 27.5 inches 

*Since we've started putting the kids in the big bathtub, we now start baths about 7:15 and let them play for about 15 minutes so we are done with baths by 7:30. This is followed by a bottle and bed time.
*They are eating 3 solid meals a day and 24-26oz. of formula throughout the day. 
*They are eating baby cereal, fruits, vegetables, and trying a variety of table foods. They LOVE to eat!
*They are starting to use sippy cups.
*Kaden has two bottom teeth and two top teeth, Kenley has two bottom teeth.
*They both are crawling: Kaden "inch-worming", Kenley "army crawling". They can get themselves all over the house and everywhere they're NOT supposed to be. Kenley enjoys crawling all over her brother and he doesn't seem to mind a bit.
*Kenley is wearing 12/12-18 month clothes, Kaden is wearing 6-9/9-12 month clothes.
*Kenley is in size 4 diapers, Kaden wears 3's and 4's.
*They both talk constantly and are starting to imitate speech sounds.
*They both take a while to warm up in "new situations" (maybe a little like mom and dad!)
*Kaden continues to demonstrate some serious stranger anxiety, especially with men. We're hoping this doesn't last too much longer!
*They both are just starting to figure out how to pull themselves up to furniture. They're just pulling to kneeling position, but pulling to stand won't be far behind I'm sure.
*They both are responding to their name.
*Kaden takes 1-2 naps a day, Kenley usually takes 3.
*Kenley is a toy hog, and a bit of a bully.  At this very second, they are having their first "toy fight" that's actually getting a little heated.... they are pulling it back and forth and Kaden is standing his ground...Kenley is not very happy, even shedding some tears (it's not very often that Kaden doesn't give up his toy when she attempts to take it out of his hands, and I don't think she liked that very well).

In 3 short months my babies will be turning 1.  I can't even believe it!  They bring so much joy into our lives it's simply impossible to think of our lives before they were here!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

8 month wrap-up...

my handsome little man, growing up way too fast!

They like to follow us around the house. They can get themselves anywhere they want to be!

I think he likes that little guy on the other side of the mirror :)

We are soo ready to get rid of our winter coats!!

For some reason, Kenley thinks she must be ON TOP of Kaden at all times. Anytime they are near each other, she is crawling all over him....and he just takes it.

"mom, do I have food on my face?"

Their first night in the big bathtub. Ok now, don't judge. I know they should have been in here a long time ago. But it's just been so much easier giving them baths in the little tub in the sink. Now bath time lasts a little's so much fun!!  Kaden gets a little scared though (have I ever mentioned he's kind of a chicken?) If there is any water dripping from the faucet, he starts to whine...if he catches the sound of the water slowly draining from the plug, he starts to whine...AND we've had to remove the rubber ducky, because you know he was SUPER SCARY!! 

The past couple of weeks Kaden has not really been in the mood to go to bed at night. And when he's not ready....he's NOT ready. It's not even worth it to attempt to put him to bed because the screaming is ridiculous! But, if we let him play a little while longer until he is ready to go to bed on his terms, then he is much easier to put down. Car seats are so much more fun to play with than going to bed!

Fun in the tub!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

home-made baby food

Every few weeks we get out the Beaba babycook and whip up some more baby food. The kids are doing great with the homemade food and will eat anything!! When we first started it, they weren't too sure about it, but now they eat it all!

Some of our favorites:
*sweet potatoes
*green beans

Monday, April 18, 2011

good morning mom

Many mornings when I go into the kids' room to get them up they are both still sleeping and we feel so terribly bad having to flip the light on and wake them up. But on occasion, they wake up on their own and when I walk in the door this is what I get to see.........

It is the cutest thing EVER!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

crawler #2

I am very disappointed to share with you that my baby boy has now started crawling too and I can't get the stinkin' video to upload :(

But he is, and it's soo very cute. They both still do the "inchworm" but are getting around nontheless. They are certainly keeping us busy and have figured out their way around the house. They are pretty good at finding us no matter which room we are in.

It makes me a little sad, ok A LOT sad, that they are growing up on us soo quickly!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

thoroughly annoyed!!

Here was our unexpected Saturday plan, that completely turned into a waste of a day!

As we continuously hope and pray for warmer weather, we know summer will eventually get here...and we have been on the hunt for a camper. Cody spends his time in the evenings on the internet looking for that "perfect" camper, for the "perfect" price. Well last night we thought we finally found it on Craigslist. But it was in Rochester, MN. Cody spends a lot of time looking and researching and comparing, so when we decide to go and look at something, it's usually with the intent of buying. So even if we do have to travel some, it's usually worth it. The seller and I emailed back and forth several times last night and set up an appointment for late this morning. Before going to bed last night Cody mentioned the fact that we should probably give him our cell phone number just in case something comes up on his end and he has to cancel, so he can let us know right away....ya know, since it will be a 3 hour drive for us. So I emailed him our number and everything was set. We got up at 6 oclock this morning in order to be on the road by 8:00. We talked about this camper the entire way to Rochester...we were so excited! If it really was everything the guy told us it was, then we were ready to pull it home. We missed out on camping season last year due to my inability to move and then the birth of the babes, so we're ready to take back our summers. ANYWAY, our appointment was to meet at 11:00 and we pulled up to the house about 10:45. But there were people there. People who were looking at the camper. Hmmm...Cody said to me under his breath "this doesn't look good." So we stood back for a minute and waited for the guy to finish putting up the awning. Then he came over to us and said the words that made steam come rolling from our ears. "Are you the people I talked to through email last night?"   Yep, that would be us.  "Well this couple just came a few minutes ago and they want to buy the camper. I know you guys drove a distance, but you know how it goes."  

EXCUSE ME?!?  "YOU KNOW HOW IT GOES?"  NO, I guess we don't know how it goes!!  We were literally on the guy's driveway for less than 90 seconds!  We were SPEECHLESS. We got back in the pickup to turn around and drive home.

Not only were we angry, I was very disappointed in the guy. I would like to think I would have handled the situation a little differently. We would have never driven that distance, with 8 month old twins stuck in their carseats for 6 hours, if we weren't significantly interested in purchasing. But that's just me. Maybe I'm a little too kind for the world today.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


*Cody had his follow up MRI this morning.

*Because we discovered he is allergic to MRI dye (which is VERY unusual), they pre-medicate him with Prednisone. He has to take a pill 13, 7, and 1 hour prior to his scan. This morning, they wanted him to bring his medication with him and take the last pill while in the office and then wait that hour before having his scan. This was ridiculous. We're pretty sure he can be a "big boy" and take his medicine on his own and come in when it's time for his appointment. We were at the hospital for over 2 hours for a 40 minute scan......yes, I'm whining a bit! But apparently it helps, because he had no reaction at all today.

*Cody did his routine lab work

*We had lunch together and did some shopping...without the kids...they were staying with grandma. It was so nice to be able to run in and out of places, quickly. We got so much done!

*We met with the doctor, who gave us the good news.....Cody's scan is still unchanged from the previous ones!!!  It looks like this spot is just scar tissue and is not new tumor growth. Thank the Lord!! The dr. is still very concerned with Cody's blood though. Apparently he makes too much of it? He is completely convinced that Cody is a smoker and that we are lying to him when we say he's never smoked in his life. This is the only explanation, without doing more tests, that would explain his blood levels and for some reason, he just doesn't believe us.

*We picked up McDonalds on our way out of town. They messed up our order and the fries were way too salty....a little disappointing :(

*We got back to Brewster about 7:30 tonight. Just in time to unload everything from the car and get the kids' baths started. They both had fallen asleep on the way home, and once we got here and took them out of their seats....HOLY CRABBY!! 

*Once Kenley had her bath and was given a bottle, she went right to sleep. Kaden on the other hand, not so much. I took him into the dr. on Monday to discover that he had an ear infection. We knew something wasn't right with him because he has been so crabby lately. Well...he's still crabby! Like super crabby. And mad. He gets soo mad at us when we try to put him to sleep and he is not ready. Like ear-drum-blowing-screamin'-mad!

*It's 9:30 now and both kids are sleeping...finally.

*We are SOOO glad that another appointment is behind us. And we're also a little excited that it's Friday tomorrow, aren't you?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

it's time once again...

**Cody has his follow-up appointment Thursday, April 14th**

MRI ~ 9:45

Dr. M. ~ 2:30