Thursday, October 27, 2016

hey strangers!

How have you been? This is our 3rd Duke trip since my last posting. I'll try to get back in the swing of things...

*Codys last MRI was done on the 24th. We both were a little nervous about this one, as he has been experiencing some questioning "symptoms"....headaches and seizure activity (although he has not had an actual seizure).

*we were both extremely relieved when we heard his scan continues to look STABLE!! His symptoms are something we will continue to monitor moving forward, but they felt it could all just be cumulative effects of his overall chemo treatments.

*the beginning of October marked Codys 12th chemo cycle. Originally that was the goal and we figured he would be done as of this trip. There is no research that supports continued use of Temodar (chemo) beyond 12 months as data shows no effect on time of recurrence. HOWEVER, they did recommend Cody continue on with treatment for another 6 months, until April. His tumor does seem to be responding to the chemo and he is tolerating the treatments with little side effects! So we're kind of using this as a safety net, per say. Part of this decision is also due to some inconsistency in his cycles. You may remember his oncologist in Sioux Falls switching his chemo to a daily cycle rather than 1x/month. Duke did not agree with this and switched him back to the monthly cycles. His monthly cycles started over again in April, so technically they can consider a full year of monthly chemo from April to April....clear as mud???

*The plan is continue MRIs and Duke visits every 2 months

**So**those are the updates. If you want to stop reading there, you are more than welcome. The following is coming from my heart and is where I'm asking for specific prayer...

Although we are beyond thrilled and thankful for another stable scan, the doctors themselves tell us Codys brain is "not normal." If you could see the images on the disc, you would agree. It's an ugly looking brain. There has been damage. From the tumor itself, 2 brain surgeries, radiation, scar tissue, and the effects of months of chemotherapy.  So although the tumor is not progressing, we still have a lot to deal with on a daily basis. He is mean and angry, irritable, has a short temper, and struggles with memory. From the outside looking in, I can see where you are so relieved about this news (WE ARE TOO!!) but please don't forget about the little things that the kids and I are muddling our way through on a daily basis.

Thank you for your prayers and support ❤️