Friday, December 12, 2014

we're scheduled

We finally were able to get Kenley's surgery scheduled.  Due to insurance purposes, we really needed it to get done before the end of the year.  Plus with Christmas thrown in there, the timing just isn't ideal.  She is scheduled for Tuesday the 16th to have her tonsils and adenoids removed. They will also keep her overnight for observation.

And a post just doesn't seem complete without a picture or two....

Monday, December 1, 2014

a day of thanks

This last week was Thanksgiving--a day for giving thanks and counting our blessings. And although it's nice to have a day, a holiday, that celebrates being thankful, it doesn't mean it's easy. Especially for people like me. I  know I have a million things to be thankful for each and every day, but sometimes I have to force myself to be thankful. With depression and anxiety, the "good" and "happy" thoughts don't just fire up as quickly as they may for others. Therefore, being grateful sometimes takes a lot of work.

Don't get me wrong, even though it's a lot of work, it's definitely worth the effort :)

*my faith -- some days I forget to let my faith be bigger than my fear.

*my husband -- the one who keeps it all together. our marriage has our set of struggles but he is the one who takes me as I am. he knows all my flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses, and he still gives me love, friendship, and support.

*my children -- my mother has always said best, your children can cause you great pain but will also bring you the most joy. she is definitely right. my kids can be challenging but I couldn't be more proud to be their mom. they fill my heart to the point it wants to burst.
*my family -- i am part of something pretty special here.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to take the time to reflect on the blessings in your own life.