Sunday, December 13, 2015

i'm changing things up a little bit. after my last couple posts (these posts have since been deleted) i received several negative comments through private messages.  i was confused and hurt and decided i wasn't up for blogging just to have people attack me for sharing my emotions. i have always said, i understand the fact that i am opening myself up for the world to see by having a public blog. the amount of viewers since cody's latest diagnosis has also surpassed anything we could have ever imagined.

for those of you who are coming to the blog strictly to find out information about cody and follow along with his health journey, i have re-opened his caringbridge page. you can find that by going to  i will post information regarding upcoming appointments, tests, results, etc.

but a friend from work convinced me i needed to continue the blog. for me. as a therapy for myself as well as having this time in our lives documented. so i've decided to let those comments go and not let a few people impact my decision whether or not to keep writing.

if you're here because you want in on the good, the bad, and the ugly of our family and our journey- then you're welcome to stay. if not, then i please ask that you visit caringbridge for updates.

so here's what's coming up tomorrow (the 14th):
cody has labs and an mri in the morning. we will then see the oncologist in the afternoon. i have high anxiety about this. cody has been having headaches, where they've increased his steroids again and put him on prescription pain pills. he's also been sleeping a lot. the tiredness we are hoping is due to the chemo, but we do have concerns with the headaches.

thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. these last few weeks have been hard for me, as i enjoy blogging and have missed being here. i hope you can all understand this is a delicate time in our lives and sometimes i feel like the most delicate piece of crystal --where one small bump can cause the whole thing to shatter. please, handle with care.


  1. It's absolute bull-shit that you were criticized for documenting YOUR feelings, regarding YOUR family, on YOUR blog. How anyone can even have the audacity to send you a negative comment is heartbreaking! Who are they to judge when they aren't the one experiencing what you are going through; shameful! I'm thrilled you have found the strength to continue writing as there are certainly more supporters behind you than naysayers. You're amazing. Sending prayers for tomorrow's appointment.

    1. Amen Chris!!! People have a lot of nerve - you don't force anyone to read your blog if they don't like it simply don't read it! I commend you for telling the good, the bad and the ugly - you paint a real life picture and I appreciate that! I heard about your family through Chris and I think about you guys often.

  2. I've been absolutely blown away with the strength you have shown when you tell exactly how you are feeling. This is your blog and your ability to share with us is an amazing example of honesty and courage ~ please don't let anyone tell you what you feel and how you are handling things is something they have any business "measuring" - I agree with Christina - total BS. Hang in there - you have lots of people praying for you and your family ~

  3. Elayne made many, many kind comments throughout my son's cancer journey this last year and spoke often of Cody. I was finally able to put a name to a face when you opened up the Caringbridge site. Blessings to you and we are praying for your family. Love, Ellen Rummel(Zachary's mom)

  4. I say screw 'em, Hol. I honestly have missed your updates and think of you guys on a daily basis. I was hoping no news was good news, but in this case, no news was because of someone that probably shouldn't have been here anyway.

    I appreciate your honesty and the trust you have put in those of us that read your words. Being the caregiver has a significant amount of stress that goes along with it and you have EVERY RIGHT to share. You are doing an amazing job and you have strength beyond measure...I hope all goes well today! Merry Christmas to you all! Love Nikki Terveer

  5. Holli,you please keep venting as mosts of us are here to support Cody, you and the Kids.For those that don't want to really knows the day to day are right go to caring bridge we are here for the you all
