Monday, September 14, 2015

our most sincere ''thank you''

yesterday, an incredible thing happened. there was a group of people caring enough to organize a benefit for our family.
the appreciation for the amount of work that went on behind the scenes could NEVER be fully expressed. this kind of thing doesn't just pull itself together on it's own. there were hours of work done by individuals who truly care about our family and our situation.
cody and i were absolutely blown away by the kindness and generosity of our home and surrounding communities in regards to 1)the donations we received, 2)the volunteers helping hands 3)and those that came from near and far to make this event a huge success. this was so emotionally overwhelming for both of us.
i wish there was a way to show how grateful our family is. i wish there was a way to express the comfort we feel by your outpouring of love and support. i wish there was a way i could personally thank each and every one of you.
you have truly touched our hearts with your love, friendship, and generous support during this difficult time.
with love and our most heartfelt THANKS,
the local newspaper did an article to advertise the benefit and tell a bit of our story. you can read that here

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