Tuesday, June 23, 2015

We have done hugs, kisses, and "see ya laters" and Cody was whisked away to the pre-op room. We do know he is the first case of the day, but they said actual surgery won't start until 8:30/9:00.

7:57 entered operating room

9:20 surgery began

11:40 nurse communicator let us know that things are going good and Cody is doing well.

2:00 surgery is finished and they are currently closing him up.

2:40 in recovery. It could still be a couple of hours before we're able to see him.

4:50 still waiting :(

**we were able to see him. He was in a lot of pain and very uncomfortable. After a short while he started having seizures. Within the last hour he's had 5 seizures, two big ones. The plan was to intubate and put him back to sleep to let his brain rest. Since then he has come out of the last one with the medication they gave him and now are not going to intubate and see if he can stay out of a seizure with just the medication. a few of us saw the seizures and I witnessed them all. Not a pleasant experience. But we do know he is on the safest, best place possible right now.

Please please pray. We are told seizures can be common after brain surgery, but not something they want to see. We are all pretty shook up right now. I hope this even makes sense.

**now they have decided to intubate again. He is still ok and not seizing, but they want to do this as more of a precautionary measure. They'll keep him sedated through the night.

**he has been taken for a CT scan to see if they can figure out why he's having the seizures. They are settling him in his room now.

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