Monday, May 11, 2015

there was going to be a party

no plans had been made, but the ideas were running through my head.  i was going to have a party to celebrate 10 years cancer-free. this july would have marked the 10 year anniversary of cody's initial diagnosis. but this past Thursday, the thoughts of planning a party changed into a whirlwind of emotions that came flooding back.

cody's mri this time around showed changes from previous scans.  when the dr. let us look at the images on the computer, we weren't able to see any "tumor" per say, but there is new swelling in the brain. it's in the same location as before. given his history, the swelling is likely caused by new tumor growth. his oncologist did not feel comfortable waiting another 3 months and repeating an mri to look for continued changes. he felt the only way to have 100% certainty, is through a biopsy.

when we checked out after his appointment, his after visit summary stated: "consult to rochester for possible recurrent brain tumor."  cody's response: "well that was a kick in the nuts."

so that's what we're waiting on now. mayo clinic contacted sanford with requests of cody's previous scans and medical records. the nurse said to give them 4-7 days before we hear from them.

of course the waiting is the hardest part.

shit just got real tonight when cody wanted to talk about it. if you know cody, you know he's not much into talking. about anything. but he asked me if i'm praying for him (of course, all the time) and he asked me if i think about it much (again, all the time). but for him, things are very different this time around for 3 reasons...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What I was trying to type...
    I am praying for Cody, yourself, and those beautiful babies. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family.

  3. Cody, Holli and kids, you know we are praying for you all day everyday and whenever I wake up at night, which is often. We have our prayer chain at church and in church all praying for you as are my friends and cousins that are not even around here and their churches praying for you. Friends in Wyoming and all over, God is good and has seen us through this before and he will do it again. You two have had a lot of problems in your lifetime together, but you have had so many blessings too. I am sure we will see another miracle happen. You are right Cody you do have so many wonderful things to fight for this time and we are all behind you. You do need to talk about it with a lot of people and let your feelings be heard, don't try to bury them.
    We are all trying to think positive. If you need help with anything, kids or whatever don't be afraid to make that phone call we are all here for you. The cousins and all of us would love to spend time with them when you need us. See you all on Sun, can't wait Love and Prayers, Grandma and Grandpa
