Thursday, August 15, 2013

back to school

Well, the day came. As much as I begged it not to, it reared it's ugly head. I can't say that it came as a surprise but it certainly was not welcome. I started back to work on Monday. My alarm went off at 5:30am and the kids' lights were flipped on at 6:10. A huge reality check for all of us :(  Now don't get me wrong, I totally get that I am blessed to be able to spend my summers at home with my kids. And I'm blessed to have a job to go back to. But I'm pretty sure I could be a stay-at-home mom.

It feels good to be back into a routine. We had lost all sense of normalcy around here. It might change as our bodies adjust, but this week we have been putting the kids in the bathtub shortly after dinner. Paxton struggles from the time we get home until bedtime, the poor kid is just so tired. He has been in bed before 7:00 every night. In fact, last night he was in bed by 6:30 and he slept the entire night!  The twins have been in bed around 7:30/8:00. And let me tell feels good!

Both kids went back to daycare completely potty-trained!  That was my goal this summer and Kenley finally nailed it the last week before going back, whew! The other goal I had this summer was go get Kaden out of our bed at night. See, I don't do well being home by myself without Cody. Ok, really, I'm a huge chicken. I'm afraid of the dark and terrified of any little sound that I normally wouldn't think twice about if the hubs was here with me. Well last year, when Cody was out of town for the week, I let Kaden stay up with me after the other two went to bed (he's a night owl anyway). And when it was time for bed, I thought it would be easier for ME if he just slept with me :) After that, that's where he thought he belonged. Every night. At first it started with him waking up in the night and making his way into our bed and then it just became easier for us (again, I emphasize US) to start out the night by putting him in our bed, and that's where he slept the whole night. But I am happy to say, Kaden now sleeps in his own bed. He doesn't always sleep through the night, but when he wakes up and comes to our room he now gets walked back and put into his own bed (and sometimes this is very frequent) ugh! All the kids though have done awesome this week sleeping through the night. Waking up early and playing hard at daycare wears the tikes out.

As hard as it is to make the adjustment, it doesn't take long. And when back at work, it feels as though we've never left.

Here's to another year!!!

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