Thursday, December 6, 2012

a 6 month old?

Who can believe we have a 6 month old in our house already?  Not me! Where has my baby gone? Because he certainly isn't a baby anymore, by any stretch of the imagination :(

6 month well baby check:
Weight: 20lbs. 12oz. (91%)
Height: 28" (91%)

*still eating rice/oatmeal cereal but now eating a variety of fruit and veggie purees. cries when his bowl is empty. i usually have to dish up some more.
*started eating gerber puffs. he doesn't always get them to his mouth, but he sure gets excited when he does. they also occupy him just enough that i can get his dinner ready without a fit.
*poor sleeping habits. short naps. likes to nap in my arms. often wakes up screaming. wakes throughout the night. we're trying the cry-it-out sleep training technique but with little success.
*wearing size 3 diapers
*wearing 9 month clothes
*crawling EVERYWHERE! trying to baby-proof with two 2 year olds in the house is like shoveling snow when it's still snowing!
*just started pulling to stand.
*doesn't care for his jumperoo much (not like the other two did). i think he's too confined and would rather be on the go.
*has 2 bottom teeth and chews on everything
*loves taking a bath. still uses the infant tub and splashes like a wild man.
*loves his brother and sister and will follow them around the house.
 *he really loves any attention and gives the best smile when you talk to him.
Other than some difficult nights...Pac-man is the best little baby. I don't know how we got so lucky!

Love you to the moon and back little man :)
I find it interesting to compare him developmentally to the twins. He is meeting milestones FAR AHEAD of both of them. While it's fun to watch, it makes me a little very sad. He's not supposed to be doing these things already. I feel like he's growing up on me way too fast :(

                          (sorry, not sure why these videos are so large)
                      *Paxton crawling at 5 months

                         *Paxton crawling at 6 months

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