Wednesday, August 8, 2012

taking life for granted...don't do it

(note: I've debated whether or not I should make any sort of blog post about this, as it was a personal experience for my dad. An experience I know he doesn't want to re-live and he tries everyday to get out of his head. But for me, I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop thinking about all of the people in this world that take life for granted. We are not guaranteed tomorrow and therefore, I am compelled to write about his experience.)

My parents took a three week vacation a couple of weeks ago. They drove to Colorado, for my Aunt's wedding, and continued their trip heading west with a final destination of sunny California. Las Vegas was one of many stops along the way. About an hour outside of Vegas, they were a little unlucky...or maybe I should say, they were the lucky ones.

a cloud of dust
a horrific accident
my parents were the second car on the scene
the first car was a group of college aged boys
running for water, running for fire extinguishers
the car started to smoke and then went up into flames
intense heat
no one could even get close
they tried, they tried everything they could
but there was nothing that could be done
the flames and the heat were too intense
they could see an arm out the window
but the worse part, was the screaming
a child
a child was screaming inside the vehicle
they had to listen
the complete and utter helplessness as the screaming continued
a highway patrol was the first emergency vehicle to arrive
there was no way there were going to be survivors
my dad had to walk away, he had to get out of there
he walked back to the car crying
he says he will never forget that horrific sound
that screaming will be forever embedded in his head

He read the next morning that it was a father and his 6 year old son in the vehicle. Both died. How do you continue a vacation, how do you have fun??

In an instant, lives were changed. Life is too short and you never know what any moment will bring.

I've been having a lot of anxiety over this. It seems to affect me every single day and especially when I get into my car and especially when I have my kids with me. I pray you cherish every moment of every day. For me, it puts things into perspective. What we think are big issues are really nothing compared to what some people have to live through.

And we have no reason to complain.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/14/2012

    I did not know this Holli, how horrible, not to be able to help. I am sure it will never leave him. My dad was in an accident where the guy in the other car was killed too and everytime we went down that road he would talk about it. It was the road we had to go down every time we came to town. Not a good vacation after that I bet. Yes we do take things for granted to much. I guess after Codys surgery etc, I have realized that life can be short and how blessed we are to have him. I had a very thanks giving time the day of the wedding to think we are so fortunate that he was with us that day and sooo healthy. I thank God everyday at least once and many more times a lot of days. Love to all
