I've made it to the third trimester! Where has the time gone?!?
Pregnancy Symptoms I'm experiencing at 28 weeks:
• Trouble sleeping: I just can't seem to get comfortable once I crawl into bed. I'm kind of a "flopper" when it comes to sleep. I don't like to stay in one position any too long and I always enjoy sleeping on my stomach. Lately though, the only position I can get comfortable in is laying on my left side with a pillow between my legs and a pillow under my stomach. The problem is, I just can't stay like this for very long. When I lay on my back, my arms and legs fall asleep. If I lay on my right side, my arms and legs fall asleep. And we know how well it's working to sleep on my stomach at this point :(
• Shortness of breath: I'm still dealing with this most significantly in the mornings before leaving the house. But it seems to catch me off guard throughout the day too. Or, of course, any time I attempt to do too much with the kids.
• Aches and pains: I'm really not sure how I did this whole pregnancy thing with twins! I'm amazed every single day that I was able to carry two babies!! I do have to say though that I'm glad I had the twins first, because every time I want to complain, I just think about how much worse it was during my last pregnancy. Then I seem to gain a little more perspective and realize "it's not that bad!" This pregnancy though, I seem to be having more circulation issues. At night, I will often wake up to a limb completely numb. And during the day, my right hip and thigh are frequently tingly and numb. He must be hitting some sort of nerve in there or something!
• Braxton Hicks contractions: lovely!
Are you kidding me the 3rd trimester already?? WOW...