Thursday, January 12, 2012

21 weeks

Baby is now the size of a banana!
Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion, and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. You may soon feel like baby is practicing martial arts as initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to the activity as you get to know baby better. In other developments, baby's eyebrows and lids are present now.

I continue to feel great!  As I'm sure most of you've remembered, we had our 21 week ultrasound on Tuesday (I honestly have been too busy to even sit down and blog about it until sorry). Things looked really good with baby. This ultrasound was the "big" growth and measurement ultrasound and also because this pregnancy is considered an "IVF pregnancy" they did an Echocardiogram of the heart, as there are increased risks for heart defects. But all of baby's organs looked fantastic. We are growing like a weed too. Baby is measuring a week and 4 days ahead of schedule, weighing in at a whopping 1lb. 2oz. already!!

We met with the Perinatologist, who also looked at my placenta and discovered what they call a "marginal placenta previa."  Which basically means that my placenta is too close to my cervix at this point. It's not covering my cervix, which is good, but it's about as close as it can get. This can cause bleeding and problems with baby and mother during delivery, so it has to move away from the cervix before we get close to delivery. The doctors feel that it was found early enough in my pregnancy that they are confident as my uterus continues to grow that it will pull the placenta up and away and we shouldn't have any issues later down the road.

Here is a picture comparing both pregnancies at this stage in the game. I told you I feel just as big as I did with TWO babies.

The big news Cody and I were hoping to find out was the sex of this baby. WOOHOO...are we excited now!!!

Yep, IT'S A BOY!!!

I have always had the feeling it was going to be a boy. For some reason I could just picture us with another little boy. We are so very excited and things are finally starting to feel real. I am excited now to get talking about names and get the baby's room going!!

Meet our little guy:

1 comment:

  1. Ashley Ahlschlager1/27/2012

    Congrats guys! Boys are the best :)
